In: Nursing
Other than the television commercials, identify another way NEHCC could have met its goal to increase community awareness. How could NEHCC have reached its target market of single mothers with young children other than via television?
Ans) The PCMH model fit well with NEHCC’s mission to deliver
primary care regardless of
income or insurance status and NEHCC’s dedication to provide
healthcare to anyone who
needed it. Also,it emphasized NEHCC’s vision—to improve the health
status of under-
served populations—in all of her communications.
- The values that underscored NEHCC were direct and simple, and
every action by
the healthcare teams at NEHCC endorsed and reinforced them. NEHCC’s
values could
be summed up as “Everybody deserves good healthcare.” Outreach
efforts were geared
toward two goals:
1. Increasing community awareness of NEHCC
2. Increasing services used at NEHCC (among both new and returning
- Particularly because of NEHCC’s commitment to providing access
to healthcare, the
target markets were primarily persons with low incomes who had
Medicaid or were unin-
sured or underinsured (i.e., they earned too much money to qualify
for Medicaid but not
enough to purchase comprehensive health insurance).
- To that end, any efforts by Sandy and her colleagues at NEHCC
should have focused
on persons who may not have had full access to private physician
offices, clinics, or other
healthcare delivery sites that charged a set fee per visit (NEHCC
charged on a sliding fee
scale) or did not accept patients who could not pay for services or
could not pay the copay-
ment required by their insurance plans. Patients who may not have
had full access to the
aforementioned sites might have been going to the emergency
department at their local
hospital for primary care needs (e.g., for the flu), a costly and
inefficient method of access-
ing care.