In: Accounting
For the Company Microsoft what are some record opening, closing, high and low prices on a daily basis. What are any major swings in prices whether driven by any company specific event or are purely market driven. For example, most companies might fall because of a major issue (think of Greek crisis) or a company might fall because it was caught offering a bad product (e.g. Lumber Liquidators)
the recent week the price of stock of microsoft have been declining
. One major reason is Coronavirus pandemic which has hard hit US
The momentum in the US market was lost due to the report that the consumser sentiment was weaker than was expected. The whole performance of US economy is in doldrums due to increasing numbers everyday
Anothee company related factor that has lead to decrease in stock prices is the shunning of 1000 employees by Microsoft because of shift to an AI powered alogrithmic feed. It will give wrong signals as more panic can take place .