
In: Accounting

Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....

Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 590,000 $ 790,000 $ 490,000 $ 390,000 Cost of goods sold 413,000 553,000 343,000 273,000 Gross margin 177,000 237,000 147,000 117,000 Selling and administrative expenses: Selling expense 80,000 99,000 60,000 39,000 Administrative expense* 44,500 60,000 37,400 37,000 Total selling and administrative expenses 124,500 159,000 97,400 76,000 Net operating income $ 52,500 $ 78,000 $ 49,600 $ 41,000 *Includes $22,000 of depreciation each month. Sales are 20% for cash and 80% on account. Sales on account are collected over a three-month period with 10% collected in the month of sale; 80% collected in the first month following the month of sale; and the remaining 10% collected in the second month following the month of sale. February’s sales totaled $205,000, and March’s sales totaled $245,000. Inventory purchases are paid for within 15 days. Therefore, 50% of a month’s inventory purchases are paid for in the month of purchase. The remaining 50% is paid in the following month. Accounts payable at March 31 for inventory purchases during March total $109,900. Each month’s ending inventory must equal 20% of the cost of the merchandise to be sold in the following month. The merchandise inventory at March 31 is $82,600. Dividends of $29,000 will be declared and paid in April. Land costing $37,000 will be purchased for cash in May. The cash balance at March 31 is $51,000; the company must maintain a cash balance of at least $40,000 at the end of each month. The company has an agreement with a local bank that allows the company to borrow in increments of $1,000 at the beginning of each month, up to a total loan balance of $200,000. The interest rate on these loans is 1% per month and for simplicity we will assume that interest is not compounded. The company would, as far as it is able, repay the loan plus accumulated interest at the end of the quarter. Required: 1. Prepare a schedule of expected cash collections for April, May, and June, and for the quarter in total. 2. Prepare the following for merchandise inventory: a. A merchandise purchases budget for April, May, and June. b. A schedule of expected cash disbursements for merchandise purchases for April, May, and June, and for the quarter in total. 3. Prepare a cash budget for April, May, and June as well as in total for the quarter.


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Schedule of Expected Cash Collections
April May June Quarter
Cash sales 118000 158000 98000 374000
Sales on account:
February 16400 16400
March 156800 19600 176400
April 47200 377600 47200 472000
May 63200 505600 568800
June 39200 39200
Total cash collections 338400 618400 690000 1646800


Merchandise Purchases Budget
April May June
Cost of goods sold 413000 553000 343000
Add: Desired ending inventory 110600 68600 54600
Total needs 523600 621600 397600
Less: Beginning inventory 82600 110600 68600
Required inventory purchases 441000 511000 329000


Schedule of Expected Cash Disbursements for Merchandise Purchases
April May June Quarter
March accounts payable 109900 109900
April purchases 220500 220500 441000
May purchases 255500 255500 511000
June purchases 164500 164500
Total cash disbursements 330400 476000 420000 1226400


Garden Sales Inc.
Cash Budget
For the Quarter Ended June 30
April May June Quarter
Beginning cash balance 51000 40500 40900 51000
Add collections from customers 338400 618400 690000 1646800
Total cash available 389400 658900 730900 1697800
Less cash disbursements:
Purchases for inventory 330400 476000 420000 1226400
Selling expenses 80000 99000 60000 239000
Administrative expenses 22500 38000 15400 75900
Land purchases 37000 37000
Dividends paid 29000 29000
Total cash disbursements 461900 650000 495400 1607300
Excess (deficiency) of cash available over disbursements -72500 8900 235500 90500
Borrowings 113000 32000 145000
Repayment -145000 -145000
Interest -4030 -4030
Total financing 113000 32000 -149030 -4030
Ending cash balance 40500 40900 86470 86470

Interest = ($113000 x 1% x 3) + ($32000 x 1% x 2) = $3390 + $640 = $4030

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Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter.
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equip­ment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: a. Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April-July are:   April May June July Sales ... $600,000 $900,000 $500,000 $400,000 Cost of goods sold ... 420,000...
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Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
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Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 710,000 $ 880,000 $ 590,000 $ 490,000 Cost of goods sold...
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 520,000 $ 720,000 $ 420,000 $ 320,000 Cost of goods sold...
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 540,000 $ 740,000 $ 440,000 $ 340,000 Cost of goods sold...
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 620,000 $ 810,000 $ 520,000 $ 420,000 Cost of goods sold...
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 640,000 $ 1,140,000 $ 600,000 $ 500,000 Cost of goods sold...
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter....
Garden Sales, Inc., sells garden supplies. Management is planning its cash needs for the second quarter. The company usually has to borrow money during this quarter to support peak sales of lawn care equipment, which occur during May. The following information has been assembled to assist in preparing a cash budget for the quarter: Budgeted monthly absorption costing income statements for April–July are: April May June July Sales $ 780,000 $ 940,000 $ 640,000 $ 550,000 Cost of goods sold...