
In: Operations Management

1-You are a hospital administrator who grants privileges toseveral local doctors. Your liability insurance carrier...

1-You are a hospital administrator who grants privileges to several local doctors. Your liability insurance carrier wants to know what steps you are taking to ensure the competence of those doctors. Provide a list to the insurance company that outlines what you look for in your doctors. Your goal is to be as complete as possible. Why? If you're not, the insurance company will deny the policy, and leave your hospital open to liability. No pressure, but your job is on the line if the company denies the policy.

2-Now you represent the insurance company. Read through the posts that your fellow students submitted as their first post. Find a post that interests you, then respond to it. Remember, you are now representing the insurance company. Your goal is to question the hospital's ability to find competent doctors. Are they covering their bases? Should the hospital be considering other factors when granting privileges to doctors? If this hospital does grant privileges to incompetent doctors, your job is on the line. Why? Because you provided the hospital with a policy, and it will have to pay on a malpractice suit if one of their doctors is negligent. So be thorough!


Expert Solution

1.You are a hospital administrator who grants privileges to several local doctors. Your liability insurance carrier wants to know what steps you are taking to ensure the competence of those doctors. Provide a list to the insurance company that outlines what you look for in your doctors. Your goal is to be as complete as possible. Why? If you're not, the insurance company will deny the policy, and leave your hospital open to liability. No pressure, but your job is on the line if the company denies the policy.

As a hospital administrator I see many aspects of patient care that need to be considered when choosing physicians to treat our patients. I would like you to understand that I believe there is more to hiring a good physician than just their credentials. I would also like to remind the insurance company that when considering how we chose the physicians that we work with please remember this premise with which we operate by;"It is responsible when recommending to the governing body such things as medical staff structure, a process for reviewing credentials and appointing members to the medical staff, a process for delineating clinical privileges, a mechanism for the participation of the medical staff in performance improvement activities, a process for peer review, a mechanism by which a medical staff member may be terminated, and a mechanism for fair hearing procedures...actions require to approval of the governing body are forwarded to the governing body for approval."(Pozgar, 2012 p. 179) I am submitting an outline of the hiring/interviewing process for your review.

Physician Hiring Outline:

  • Place a detailed professional description of the available position with the appropriate agency to filter the resumes to my exact criteria.
  • Screen all professional candidates through their resumes and criminal and mental health background check.
  • After passing the criteria for the resume, and background check all candidates will be contacted to complete to first interview by telephone.
  • Candidates that complete the phone interview process will then complete an in person interview with the administrators of the hospital.
  • After completing the in person interview the physician will then discuss their professional history and aspects thereof, with the administrator in private.

The physician will then shadow another physician for the next week and learn the hospital and all the people that they will be working with.

2. Now you represent the insurance company. Read through the posts that your fellow students submitted as their first post. Find a post that interests you, then respond to it. Remember, you are now representing the insurance company. Your goal is to question the hospital's ability to find competent doctors. Are they covering their bases? Should the hospital be considering other factors when granting privileges to doctors? If this hospital does grant privileges to incompetent doctors, your job is on the line. Why? Because you provided the hospital with a policy, and it will have to pay on a malpractice suit if one of their doctors is negligent. So be thorough!

At our hospital we are very thorough when choosing our doctors. We conduct an in depth interview process and a medical evaluation to make sure the doctor is physically and mentally stable. All of our doctors need to provide a list of references, a license and certifications to practice medicine. When choosing our doctors we make sure all of our doctors have professional liability insurance (Pozgar, 2012). We look to make sure our doctors licenses and staff privileges have never been suspended, denied or revoked. We also make sure the doctors have never been denied malpractice insurance (Pozgar, 2012). Our doctors must be able to work with others and be compassionate and respectful to our patients and staff. It is important that they understand the law and provide patient confidentiality. Honesty is the best policy and we expect our doctors to be up front with us in any situation. Our doctors understand that patients come first and are our main responsibility

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