
In: Finance

The extent to which employment insurance alleviates poverty and redistributes incomes depends on how the benefits...

The extent to which employment insurance alleviates poverty and redistributes incomes depends on how the benefits are distributed and how the program is financed. Do you think that employment insurance achieves redistribution of incomes?​


Expert Solution

As we know that with the help of proper employment, a government can alleviate poverty and redistribute incomes amongst the citizens of the country because with the help of offering employment to all deserving individuals government can alleviate poverty and available incomes of the country will be redistributed.

But there is a limitation of this condition because it is not possible to offer employment to all citizens of the country that is why some other social schemes are necessary for alleviation of the poverty and redistribution of income. Such financial help to old age people, financial help to womens, financial help to the unemployed individuals etc.

Thus it is true that employment is a tool of alleviation of poverty and redistribution of income as well but employment only can not achieve whole goals of poverty alleviation and redistribution of income that is why other social schemes must be followed by the government so that incomes of the country should be properly distributed amoungst the all individuals of the country.

As we know that with the help of employment, government will offer proper financial and non-financial incentives to the employees that is why it will definitely remove poverty from the country but employment to all individuals is not possible that is why only employment is not remedy for this case. But it is an important tool. As the employment rises then more and more individuals will get incomes from the government hence income will be reached to the maximum hands thus we can say that employment is an important tool for such condition.

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