The Following are the Methods/steps that can be followed to get
“smear” to dry more quickly before heat fixing:
- One simple method is to completely air-dry the slide for 5-10
mins, without applying heat,Because If we heat the slide before it
is completely dry, then you end up “boiling apart” the cells. The
vapor pressure inside the cells will burst them.
- We can also use a Slide drier which helps to completely air-dry
the smear before heat fixing it.
- The smaller the drop, the faster it dries.So always make sure
that tthe smear is made using a smaller drop of innoculum for it to
dry faster.
- Take the right amount of innoculum for making a smear.Always
note that If it is clear, there are too few bacteria, if it looks
milky, there are too many bacteria.
- Use the right apparatus for making a smear like an
needle is used to make a smear from an agar
colony and an inoculating loop is used to
make a smear from a broth culture.
- The smear may be alternatively fixed by using methanol as well,
by adding 1-2 drops of methanol onto the dried smear, draining off
the excess methanol, and allowing it to air dry. This method
minimises damage to host cells, giving a cleaner background.
The two things that should NOT be done to speed up the air
drying process are:
- Do Not wave the slide around.
- Do Not blow on it as this will disperse bacteria into the
- Note that while the smear is wet, the cells
are alive and should be treated as a biohazard.