
In: Accounting

Hello can you answer please before on the words are more thank you describe what factors...

Hello can you answer please before on the words are more thank you

describe what factors may cause probation to be successful or not. What are the roles of the corrections organization, the probation officer, and the offender in the outcome of the probationary period? When can we determine the probationary period be deemed a success? At what point would an attempt at productive probation sentence be deemed a failure?


Expert Solution


Describe what Factors may cause probation to be successful or not.

The main factor that can either benefit or negatively affect the probationer is the environment he or she is in. "The parole officer makes a study of the home background, for his duty is to advise the parole board as to the community's attitude toward the offender and as to advisability of his parole on the basis of the "cause" of his crime. If a criminal is put right back in the same environment where the crime was committed it is very likely that it will reoccur.

Probation conditions must be reasonable and modified to each individual probationer. This means that the conditions cannot be vindictive , vague, overbroad or arbitrary. In addition, the conditions must be related to the protection of the public. Also, if a judge wishes to impose special conditions, those conditions must relate to the nature of the crime that the probationer committed.

What are the roles of the correction organization, the probation officer, and the offender in the outcome of the probationary period

When a person convicted of a crime is reprimanded to probation in lieu of jail time, he needs someone to ensure that he's following the requirements of his probation and staying out of trouble. The person supervising is known as a probation officer.

Evaluating people on probation to determine to the best course of rehabilitation and providing resources , such as job training. They also interview the probationer, as well as those close to them, to ensure that they're making progress and following the restrictions in place.

The probation officer is chosen to guide the probationer in the right path, they both have to work together and communicate with one another. The probationer will have to refrain from committing crimes or violating the conditions enforced by the judge in order to stay in good standing with his parole.

When can we determine the probationary period be deemed a success

There are many different programs and conditions that can influence whether an individual is successful on probation, distinguishing those that lead to success is a complicated task. In my opinion, if a probationer has become a law- abiding citizen and has challenged his or herself to change in order to be better their probationary period is a success. Most often, individuals are considered successful if they complete their term of probation without recidivating, but there are other measures of success.

At what point would an attempt at productive probation sentence be deemed a failure

If the probationer relapses into drugs or commits another crime his or her probation sentence is deemed a failure and will be revoked. Many probationers are often undereducated and face challenges in obtaining employment. These common obstacles must be addressed in order for an individual to have a better chance at succeeding on probation as well as living as a law-abiding citizen. Determining what contributes to an individual being successful on probation can be difficult because of the numerous definitions of "success".

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