
In: Nursing

give me terminology for nursing informatics health care

give me terminology for nursing informatics health care


Expert Solution

Nursing Informatics is the use of computer applications to support nursing and its practice including clinical practice, nursing administration, education and research activities.

Some of the common terms used in health and nursing informatics are

Health Information Management: this gathers, analyze and protects patient care related information in the digital or traditional forms and aids in providing quality patient care.

Alternative Billing Codes(ABC) :these are used to identify the integrated services such as nursing, yoga and meditation as well as alternative medicine services.

Protected Health Information(PHI): Confidential information that is to be withheld from inappropriate disclosure which is mandated by law.

Electronic Health Record (EHR) : Digitalized patient health care information that can be communicated across the multidisciplinary team and organizations.

NANDA or North American Nursing Diagnosis Association: it provides a set of standardized nursing diagnosis based on patient's health status.

International Classification of Nursing Practice(ICNP),Nursing Intervention Classification system (NIC).Nursing Outcome Classification system (NOC),Perioperative Nursing Data Set (PNDS) are some of the user interface terminologies.

Omaha system: It consists of patient , patient care intervention and outcome classification which is easy to understand and use.

Logical Observation Identifier Names & Codes (LOINC) consists of the assessments and Systematic Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT) consists of the patient's problem, Intervention and results/outcomes.

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