
In: Nursing

What is an analysis of how the position statement "Privacy and Confidentiality" could impact health disparities...

What is an analysis of how the position statement "Privacy and Confidentiality" could impact health disparities in our country and the social impact?

An analysis of how the position statement "Privacy and Confidentiality" could potentially enhance your professional nursing practice.


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Privacy rule itself is concerned with the health informational privacy . In the context of personal information , the concepts of privacy are closely interwined with those of confidentiality and security , Thats the relation betweens privacy and confidentiality .However , although privacy is often used interchangeably with the terms " confidentiality " and as wel as with the " security " . But they have the distinct meaning , Privacy addresses the question of who has access to personal information and under what conditions. Privacy is concerned with the collection , storage and the use of personal information and examines whether data can be collected in the first place , as well as the justification , If any under which data collected for the one purpose can be used for the another or secondary purpose .

On the other hand confidentiality safeguards information that is gathered in the context of an intimate relationship , In addresses the issue of how to keep information exchanged in that relationship from being disclosed to third parties . confidentiality . for example ;- prevents physicians from disclosing the information that shared with them by a patient relationship .Unauthorized or inadvertent disclosures of data gained as part of an intimate relationship are breaches of confidentiality .

Where as security can be defined as the procedural and the technical measures required ;-

(a) to prevent unauthorized access , modification , use and dissemination of data stored or processed in a computer system ,

(b) to prevent any deliberate denial of service and

(c) to protect the  system in its entirety from physical harm, .

Security helps keep health records safe from unauthorized use . As when someone hacks into a computer system , there is a breach of security and also potentially ,, a breach of confidentiallty .No security measure , however can prevent invasion of privacy by those who have authority to access the record.

There are a variety of reason for the placing a high value on protecting the privacy , confidentiality and the security of health nformation . The privacy as being objectively valuable in itself , as an essential component of human well - being . its believed that respecting privacy and autonomy is a form of recognition of the attributes that give humans their moral uniqueness. The more commonly views regarding that privacy is valuable because it facilitates or promotes other fundamental values , including ideals of personhood

  • Personal autonomy ( the ability to make personal decisions )
  • Individuality
  • Respect
  • Dignity and wort as human beings

The value of privacy focus on its imporatnce to teh individual . Privacy can be seen , however as also having value to society as a whole . Privacy further the existence of a free society for example, preserving privacy from widespread surveillance can be seen as protecting not only the individual 's private sphere , but also society as a whole . Privacy contributes to the maintenance of the type of society in which we want to live.

Privacy can foster socially beneficial activities like health research. Individuals are more likely to participate in and support research if they believe their privacy is being protected . Protecting privacy is also seen by some as enhancing data quality for the research and quality improvement initatives.

Every nurse understand and respect the need for the patient confidentialty .As professionals , our connection to our patient and our colleagues depends on it . But , the truth , is advanced technology , new demands in health care and the development in the world - at - large , that make it more and more difficult to keep this promise , but keep it we must !

Nurses safeguard the right to privacy for the individuals , families and communities . The nurse advocates for an environment that provides sufficient physical privacy , including privacy for discussion of a personal nature . Nurses also participate in the development and maintenance of policies and practices that protect the both personal and clinical information at institutional and societal levels . The nurse has a duty to maintain confidentiality of all patient information both personal and clinical , in the work settings and off duty in all venues , including socaial media or any other means of communication when using electronic communication or working with electronic health records , nurses should make every efforts to maintain the data security .

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