
In: Physics

56) if you were licated haldway between earb and the moon what acceleration would you have...

56) if you were licated haldway between earb and the moon what acceleration would you have toward earth? the earth-moon separatjon js 60 earth raddi (ignore the gravitational dorce of the moon because it is much less than earths)

57) A solid lead sphere of raduus 10 m about 66 ft across has a mass if about 57 million kg if two of these soveres are floating un deep soace wirh theie cenrers 20 m apart the gravitational attraction between the spheres is only 540 N (about 120 lb) how large would the gravitational force be if the distance between the centers of the two spheres were trippled?


Expert Solution

Solution :-

These two problems are based on the concept of newton's law of gravitation according to which, the force of attraction between two masses m1 and m2 separated by a distance r is given by the formula as : F=Gm1m2/r2. Here we also need Newtons second law of motion according to which net force on any body of mass m is given by : F=ma, where a is acceleration of body and according to question 56 only earth is exerting force on mass at P, so acceleration = Force/mass. We can see that newtons gravitation force is inversely proportional to r2, question 57 can be solved directly keeping in mind that all values are same except for r (which is 3r=60 now), so 540/9 approximately gives 60 N. Please find the detailed solution below and feel free to ask any doubt you face while understanding my solution. I would be happy to help.

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