
In: Nursing

Sample Clinical Pathway about diarrhea

Sample Clinical Pathway about diarrhea


Expert Solution

Patient presenting with persistent diarrhoea defined as

  • Persistent alteration from the normal
  • stoo passing 5-7 times
  • Increassed frequency > weeks duration

Detailed clinical history and physical examination

Absence of red flag indicators-Intial screening investigations.
  • full blood count
  • Thyroid function test
  • CRP
  • Coeliac serology
  • Faecal calprotection

Presence of redflag indicators-Routine examination as appopriate.

  • AND onward referal using a suspected cancer pathway referel
Patient with Diarhhoea presents ED

If the patient is hemodynamically stable

  • Complete history and physical examination,ask about recent antibiotic use.
  • Determine approximate level of dehydration ,mild/moderate/severe.
  • In mild and moderate case give weight based dose or ondaseteron,after 20-30 minutes begin oral;
  • In severe dehydration place iv catheter and start 20mL/kg NS bolus
  • Check rapid glucose level and give dextrose as nedded
  • Order serum electrlytes and renal function testing
  • Give IV ondaseteron.

If the patient tolerate oral cahllenge

  • Discharge home once tolerating ORS well
  • Recommend probiotic
  • Give strict return precautions.

If the patient is not toelrating oral challenge

  • Discuss Ng tube versus IV with family
  • NG tube - Start ORS via NG tube,Give 50-100 ml/kg of ORS 3-4 hours.
  • IV - place IV ,satrt 20mL/kg NS bolus ,repeat if needed.Test elctrolytes,After giving bolus ,consider dextrose containg fluids.
  • Start second oral challenge
  • If tolerating discharge from hospital,Recommend probiotic.
  • Not tolerating give further hydration via NG tube or IV

When patient presenting to Ed the patient is not hemodynamically stable

  • Rapidly obtain IV/IO access and push 20mL/kg NS as fast as possible.
  • Check glucose level
  • Give dextrose if nedded.
  • Check ABG,elctrolytes anf CBC,RFT levels.
  • Start antibiotic therapy.
  • Consider vasopressor if no improvement in heart rate and blood preassure.
  • Admit in ICU.

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