Answer :
Bleeding is the release of blood from broken blood
vessels, either inside or out side the body. In this scenerio this
bleeding might be external bleeding. This bleeding may be due to
trauma or any other accidents, because on examination patient is
having pain and pale with bleeding. Pale indicate severe loss of
blood from body.
- Applied direct pressure with sterile cotton pad on the
bleeding area, clean the wound and dressed up it as soon as
possible with adequate pressure.
- Raise the injured area. should elevated the bleading
area with supportive meassures such as pillows.
- Keep the patient at total rest. In between the vital
signs should maintained including urine output.
- If blood loss is severe blood transfusion should be
done. Because loss of blood can cause reduced perfusion to the
tissues which may leads to ischemia and organ death. This can treat
also paleness.
- Make arrangement for blood investigations including
CBC, LFT, KFT ect,.
- Immediate management for pain can administer pain
killer injections.
- Blood pressure is low, administer inj.
- find out the causes of bleeding and appropriate
management should be done like surgical and conservative
The first action is :
- control bleeding. If the bleeding is continued patient
may go for organ death due to the inadequate blood supply to the