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8-War is Hell Essay discussing the war efforts in 1864-65. Grant and Sherman practiced a form...

8-War is Hell

Essay discussing the war efforts in 1864-65. Grant and Sherman practiced a form of warfare new for the American public. Total war. Do you agree with that decision? Was Grant a butcher? Was there another way to end the war faster?

What was Lincoln’s and Grant’s plan for the peace? Do you agree with it? Would you have done anything different? Discuss.


Expert Solution

"War is hell". The term war refers to the situation where there is no solution to any problem and both sides are equally liable for such incidence.

This term was used by William Tecumseh Sherman. He told that war is cruelty and you can not refine it. Its the loss to everyone, true cruelty and there is no reform to it. The Sherman was US Army general who succeeded Army General Ulysses S Grant.

The Efforts of Union War

In March 1864, Lincoln provided Grant in supreme command of the Union Armies replacing the General Halleck. William Tecumseh Sherman was in control in the West and Grant headed to Washington and led the Army of the Potomac towards Lee’s troops in Northern Virginia. Despite heavy Union casualties in the Battle of the Wilderness and at Spotsylvania in 1864, May, at Cold Harbor in June Starting and the key rail center of Petersburg , Grant pursued a strategy of attrition and keeping Petersburg under siege for the next nine months.

The Term total war as against the limited war was used as warfare which utilizes all the resources of society to fight for war, this term was used by Sherman which is associating all the civilians and non Army personals to go for war and using all the national resources and infrastructure to fight.

The Sherman’s agenda of using Total War which was used in Georgia was very brutal, destructive and harmful but the outcome was which was required that hurt Southern morale, made it impossible for the Confederates to fight at full capacity and likely hastened the end of the war. To sustain the government, the Total War was required and at every possible cost they need to cut off the supply and communication of rebel force and produce among the people of Georgia a thorough conviction of the personal misery which attends war and the utter helplessness and inability of their Government to protect them If that terror and grief and even want shall help to paralyze them.

Was Grant a Butcher?

Grant was very aggressive and offensive in nature. He was more on advancing the war with more troops on front line which results in more causalities and loss to human life. His campaigns were very bloody and messing up very badly with opponent army. He never kept his injured troops back and letting them in the hands of enemy.

He was considered as butcher because of extreme aggression and inhuman approach in battle field.

He was pushed by then President Lincoln to do so. Lincoln knew that his army was double in number and they can easily win the war if with very high causalities also.

There was no other way to end the war as per the situation which was present that time. Due to elections in the America, they stopped the further war and looked for peace.

What was Lincoln’s and Grant’s plan for the peace?

The Lincoln visited Virginia, Petersburg to find the solution to end the war and for peace. On meeting with Admiral David Dixon Porter, within four weeks later, Grant and Sherman had secured the surrender. This was done after Lincoln visit and he insisted on peace.

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