In: Computer Science
Project Description The BlueMont chain hotels have 4 different types of room: Single room: $60/night Double room: $75/night King room: $100/night Suite room: $150/night The size of the hotel chains in different locations may be different in terms of the number of floors and the type and the number of rooms on each floor. You are required to write a program that calculates the occupancy rate and the total hotel income for one night and displays this information as well as some other information described below. The program starts by asking the location where this hotel chain is located and the number of floors in the hotel. The number of floors may not exceed 5. The User then enters the total number of rooms for each floor. The program then asks specifically the number of occupied rooms for each room type on this floor. The total number of rooms on each floor may not exceed 30 and the program should check that the total number of occupied rooms on each floor does not exceed the total of rooms on that floor. After the information is entered for each floor, the program calculates the following: - Hotel income (based on the room type and its rate), - The total number of occupied rooms, - Total number of the uncopied rooms, - The rate of occupancy, - Floor number with the minimum number of rooms. (Assume no two floors have the same number of rooms). - A message to improve the occupancy rate for the occupancy rate of less than 60%. - Programmer’s full name - Project number - Project due date Project Specifications -Use constant variables to hold room rates, max and min # of floors and rooms. -The program should continuously ask for the correct floor number if it is not within the range of 1 and 5. -The program should continuously ask for the correct number of rooms for each floor if it is not within the range of 1 and 30. -The program should repeat the process of asking the number of rooms on the floor and number of occupied rooms if the total number of occupied rooms exceeds the total number of rooms on the floor. Refer to Sample outputs for more clarification.
Program Screenshot:
Sample output 1:
Sample output 2:
Sample output 3:
Code to copy:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
// declare variables
string location;
int i, floors, rooms[30], singleRoom[10], doubleRoom[10], king[10], suite[10];
//initailze the values for four different rooms
int singleRRate = 60, doubleRRate = 75, kingRRate = 100, stroom = 150;
int unoccupied, min;
double totalRooms = 0, occupied_rooms = 0, income = 0.0, occupancy_rate;
int sum = 0;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << "----------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << right << setw(30) << "BlueMount Hotel\n";
cout << "----------------------------------------------------\n";
//prompt and read the location where this hotel chain is located.
cout << "Enter the Location of this hotel chain: ";
cin >> location;
//prompt and read the number of floors in the hotel.
cout << "Enter total number of floors of the hotel: ";
cin >> floors;
// The number of floors may not exceed 5.
//continuously ask for the correct floor number if it is not within the range of 1 and 5.
while (floors<=0 || floors>5)
cout << "number of floors should be between 1 and 5 !! please try again.\n";
cout << "\nEnter total number of floors of the hotel: ";
cin >> floors;
// iterate a loop to read the total number of rooms for each floor.
for (i = 1; i <= floors; i++)
cout << "\n\nEnter total number of rooms in the " << i << "th floor: ";
cin >> rooms[i];
//The total number of rooms on each floor may not exceed 30.
// continuously ask for the correct number of rooms within the range of 1 and 30.
while (rooms[i] <= 0 || rooms[i]>30)
cout << "number of rooms should be between 1 and 30 !! please try again.\n\n";
cout << "Enter total number of rooms in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> rooms[i];
//prompt and read the number of occupied rooms for each room type on this floor.
cout << "How many SINGLE rooms are occupied in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> singleRoom[i];
cout << "How many DOUBLE rooms are occupied in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> doubleRoom[i];
cout << "How many KING rooms are occupied in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> king[i];
cout << "How many SUITE rooms are occupied in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> suite[i];
sum = singleRoom[i] + doubleRoom[i] + king[i] + suite[i];
//check that the total number of occupied rooms on each floor
//does not exceed the total of rooms on that floor.
while(sum > rooms[i])
cout << "Total number of occupied rooms exceeds the total number of "
<<"rooms on this floor. Please try again!!";
sum = 0;
cout << "\n\nEnter total number of rooms in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> rooms[i];
while (rooms[i] <= 0 || rooms[i]>30)
cout << "number of rooms should be between 1 and 30 !! please try again.\n\n";
cout << "Enter total number of rooms in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> rooms[i];
cout << "How many SINGLE rooms are occupied in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> singleRoom[i];
cout << "How many DOUBLE rooms are occupied in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> doubleRoom[i];
cout << "How many KING rooms are occupied in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> king[i];
cout << "How many SUITE rooms are occupied in the " << i << "th floor : ";
cin >> suite[i];
sum = singleRoom[i] + doubleRoom[i] + king[i] + suite[i];
//print the information of the rates of room types
cout << "\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << right << setw(40) << "BlueMont Hotel located in " << location << endl << endl;
cout << right << setw(47) << "TODAY'S ROOM RATES<US$/night>" << endl << endl;
cout << right << setw(20) << "Single Room"<< setw(20) << "Double Room"<<setw(20)
<< "King Room"<< setw(20) << "Suite Room";
cout << endl<<endl;
cout << right << setw(20) << singleRRate << setw(20) << doubleRRate << setw(20)
<< kingRRate << setw(20) << stroom;
cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
for (i = 1; i <= floors; i++)
//calculate hotel income based on the room type and its rate.
income = income + (singleRoom[i] * singleRRate) +
(doubleRoom[i] * doubleRRate) + (king[i] * kingRRate) + (suite[i] * stroom);
//The total number of rooms.
totalRooms = totalRooms + rooms[i];
//The total number of occupied rooms.
occupied_rooms = occupied_rooms + singleRoom[i] + doubleRoom[i] + king[i] + suite[i];
//The total number of unoccupied rooms.
unoccupied = totalRooms - occupied_rooms;
//The rate of occupancy
occupancy_rate = (occupied_rooms / totalRooms) * 100;
// print the data
cout << "\n" << right << setw(35) << "Hotel Income: " << right << setw(10) << "$" << income;
cout << "\n" << right << setw(35) << "Total # of rooms: " << right << setw(10) << totalRooms;
cout << "\n" << right << setw(35) << "Total # Occupied Rooms: " << right << setw(10) << occupied_rooms;
cout << "\n" << right << setw(35) << "Total # Unoccupied Rooms: " << right << setw(10) << unoccupied;
cout << "\n" << right << setw(35) << "Occupancy rate: " << right << setw(10) << occupancy_rate << "%";
//find the Floor number with the minimum number of rooms.
int r = 1;
min = rooms[1];
for (i = 2; i <= floors; i++)
if (rooms[i] < min)
min = i;
r = i;
// display as required
cout << "\n\n" << r << "th Floor with " << rooms[r] << " rooms, has the least # of rooms.";
//if the occupancy rate is less than 60%, then print a message.
if (occupancy_rate < 60)
cout << "\nNeed to improve Hotel occupancy rate!!\n\n";
cout << "\n\nThank you for testing my program!!";
cout << "\nCMSC140 Common Project 3";
cout << "\nDue Date: PROJECT DUE DATE\n\n";
return 0;