In: Nursing
what is Therapist-Driven Protocols
why we nee it or what is the purpose
Medical protocols are a set of rules followed by a health proffesianal, Resporatory driven protocol is an algorithhmic medical process applied by resporatory practtioners as an extention of the phyysisian.Respiratory driven protocaol are implemented in hospital for treatment of people suffering from asthma ,broncho litis,and other respiratory illness, Respiratory driven protocols are most eidely appliied in sntensive care units, Respiratory practitioners are not utilizeed globally so most applications of respiratory practitoners as physicians extenders in this fashion is in the United States.
Respiratory drivenn protocols have been shown to decrease hospital stays and improve overall outcomes in pediatric populations requiring respiratory intervention suuch as mechanical veentilation
Respiratory practitioners applying respiratory driven protocols was initially designed and has been since shown to reduce patient cost and overall patient outcomes.
Therapist driven protocols are supposed to improve outcomes decrease length of stay cut the occurance of ventilator aquired pneumonia and save money . Perhaps because of this later benefits most health care topic are written about the more expensive procedures like ventilators weaning.