Financial advantages of being a landlord
- You get income from the rent paid by the tenant
- Tax benefits are available for owning rental property tax
deduction is available on interest on a mortgage taken out to buy
rental property.
- when the landlord pays for the repair work of rental property
it can be claimed for full tax deduction.
- landlords can also deduct travel expenses when travel is
related to responsibilities of landlord.
- legal fees are also deductible expense when there is a
necessity of taking a legal action to evict a tenant.
Financial advantages of being a tenant
- The initial investment to rent the home is quite low when
compared to purchasing a new apartment
- The renter has Limited responsibility when it comes to take
care of repairs of home.
- The rental is not impacted by items such as property taxes
- Insurance cost is lower as renter only have to insure contents
of the property and not the property itself