
In: Biology

1. The mind is altered by each new event it encounters. true false 2. Both humans...

1. The mind is altered by each new event it encounters.



2. Both humans and the universe are composed of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen



3. The neocortex overrides the primitive actions of the reptilian brain and limbic system, giving rise to rational thinking.




Expert Solution

1. True.

Memories are stored in the brain by changing basic sensitivity of synaptic transmission between neurons as a result of previous neural activity, that pathways are called memory traces. Once the traces are established , they can be selectively activated by thinking mind to reproduce the memories. Probably the greater share of our memories is negative, not positive. Our brain is inundated with sensory information from all our senses. If our minds attempted to remember all this information, the memory capacity of the brain would be exceeded. But fortunately our brain has the capability to ignore information that is of no consequence..This capability results from inhibition of the synaptic pathways for this type of information, the resulting effect is called habituation, which is a type of negative memory. Conversely in case of new information that causes important consequences , the brain has different automatic capability of enhancing and storing the memory trace, that is positive memory. The process is called sensitization.

2. True.

According to astrophysics , the majority of what makes us up comes from supernovae. Every element required to make DNA is found in the universe. When an universe startef there is helium and hydrogen , we are not containing helium in our body but hydrogen. Stars are like nuclear reactors which can convert hydrogen into oxygen, nitrogen, carbon , sulfer everything containing in our body.

3. True .

The neocortex overrides the primitive action of reptilian brain and limbic system giving rise to rational thinking .

Reptilian brain which works as the control of awareness, agresiveness, threat response, consciousness can be override by neocortex which is responsible for rational thinking. The neocortex helps us for being more logical than to be panicked in any situation. But sometimes trauma can affect neocortex which is also called the neocortex hijack during argument .

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