1. Name 6 different types of nutritional supplements
2. Describe available supplemental forms.
3. Discuss specific uses for the different types of
4. Properly choose the correct supplement for a client
• renal disease_______________________________________
• diabetes_______________________________________
• pulmonary
• wound healing_______________________________________
5. Advise clients of cost and availability of above
nutritional supplements
• renal disease_______________________________________
• diabetes_______________________________________
• pulmonary
• wound healing_______________________________________
Required Learning Activity
1. List 3 different stores and list 6 available nutritional
supplements and the cost of each.
Store # 1 name ____________________________________________
Store # 2 name ______________________________________________
Store # 3 name _______________________________________________
2. List available forms of each supplement
3. State specific use for each supplement
4. List calorie count for each supplement
5. List cost for each supplement for each store visited
(Answers placed in Required Leaning Activity # 1)
6. Design a chart depicting and comparing the above
information and present to class.