In: Physics
Consider an RLC circuit with resistance 20Ω20Ω ,
inductance 0.05H0.05H , capacitance 2500μF2500μF , and an impressed
voltage, provided by an alternating current generator, with
V=50V,120HzV=50V,120Hz. At t=0t=0
a. Complete the ODE below in terms of the charge in the circuit
_____Q''+ _____Q' + _____Q = ______
b. Solve the ODE and complete the equation for the charge
c. Upload a file with your work for part b and a graph of the
current I(t)
d. Write a short essay to Interpret the graph of the current in the
context of the RLC circuit scenario. Explain the whole graph
(initial conditions, overall pattern, end behavior) in the context