
In: Computer Science

Create a C module convertTo_csv.c that will implement the function loadAndConvert(const char* file) The code must...

Create a C module convertTo_csv.c that will implement the function loadAndConvert(const char* file)

The code must be split into 2 files (.h file and a .c file). The convertTo_csv.c will have the function implementation in ti and the The convertTo_csv.h file will have the declaration.

One argument will be given to the function, that is the name of the input file that needs to be converted. A function will create a new csv file called output.csv

Know that the loadAndConvert method will be called by other modules and you can have helper methods to aid in your code but the helper methods will not be called by other modules, they will not be public.

The original text file looks as follows:

Hanna Sara Ava Alex Eric

25 34 19 42 29

Maine Italy Romania Bengal India

The output CSV file should have this format:

Hanna, 25, Maine

Sara, 34, Italy

Ava, 19, Romania

Alex, 42, Bengal

Eric, 29, India


Expert Solution

//please make sure to create input.csv file before running the code

//and input.csv should contains 3 lines

//first line contains names separated by space

//first line contains ages(i thought it was ages if not name it in you like) separated by space

//first line contains cities separated by space

#ifndef __PERSON_H
#define __PERSON_H
//structure to hold person details
typedef struct Person
   char name[50];
   char age[10];
   char city[50];
   struct Person *next;
//sturcture which contains words read from input file
typedef struct Word
   char text[50];
   struct Word *next;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Person.h"
//create a new word by given text and return it
Word * getWord(char *text)
   Word *word = (Word *) malloc(sizeof(Word));
   strcpy(word -> text, text);
   word->next = NULL;
   return word;
//print persons read from input file
void print(Person *first)
   Person *temp = first;
   while(temp != NULL)
       printf("\nName: %s\n",temp->name);
       printf("Age : %s\n",temp->age);
       printf("City: %s\n",temp->city);
       temp = temp->next;
//create Persons by names,ages and cities read from input file
Person * createPersons(Word *names, Word *ages, Word *cities)
   //store each pointer of type Word
   Word *name = names;
   Word *age = ages;
   Word *city = cities;
   //create a Person struct pointer to hold each person data
   //and another one to hold newly created Person struct pointer
   Person *first = NULL,*person;
   //it should need each data to create new person
   //any missing data is there it won't create a new person
   while(name != NULL && age != NULL && city != NULL)
       //create new person and add it to the first
       person = (Person *) malloc(sizeof(Person));
       strcpy(person -> name , name ->text);
       strcpy(person -> age , age -> text);
       strcpy(person -> city,city -> text);
       person -> next = first;
       first = person;
       name = name ->next;
       age = age -> next;
       city = city -> next;
   return first;
//function that loads the data from input file
//and creates a structure of Persons and returns it
Person* loadData(char file[50])
   char line[1000];
FILE *fptr;

if ((fptr = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL)
printf("Error! No Such file as input.csv to load data");
int len;
//names to store names in the input file
Word *names = NULL;
//ages to store ages in the input file
Word *ages = NULL;
//cities to store cities in the input file
Word *cities = NULL;
Word *word;
int pos = 0;
//get a line from input file
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fptr))
       //new line is also read from input file
       //so set it to null
       len = strlen(line);
       line[len-1] = '\0';
       //token to split by space
       char *token = strtok(line," ");
       while(token!= NULL)
           //create a word using token
           word = getWord(token);
           //if pos is 0 it means line is 0, line 0 contains names so populate names
           if(pos == 0)
               if(names == NULL)
                   names = word;
                   word ->next = names;
                   names = word;
           //if pos is 0 it means line is 0, line 0 contains ages so populate ages
           else if(pos == 1)
               if(ages == NULL)
                   ages = word;
                   word ->next = ages;
                   ages = word;
           //if pos is 0 it means line is 0, line 0 contains names so populate names
           else if(pos == 2)
               if(cities == NULL)
                   cities = word;
                   word ->next = cities;
                   cities = word;
           token = strtok(NULL, " ");
       //increment line positin
   //finally create Persons by usign createPersons() fn and names,ages,cities of type Word read from input file
   Person *first = createPersons(names, ages, cities);
   //return the created person structure
   return first;
//function that writes Persons to the output.csv
void writeToOutput(Person *persons)
   FILE *fptr = fopen("output.csv","w");
   Person *person = persons;
   while(person != NULL)
       //write person details
       person = person -> next;
int main()

   Person *persons = loadData("input.csv");
   printf("######## Persons Read from input.csv ######\n");
   printf("Writing to output.csv\n");
return 0;


Hanna Sara Ava Alex Eric
25 34 19 42 29
Maine Italy Romania Bengal India


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