
In: Computer Science

Design and implement a C++ class called Module that handles information regarding your assignments for a specific module.

Design and implement a C++ class called Module that handles information regarding your assignments for a specific module. Think of all the things you would want to do with such a class and write corresponding member functions for your Module class. Your class declaration should be well-documented so that users will know how to use it.

Write a main program that does the following:

 Declare an array of all your modules. The elements of the array must be of type Module.

 Initialize the array with the modules you are registered for e.g. "COS1512", "INF1511", "COS1506". Initialize each module with the assignment marks you have obtained for the module (or would like to obtain for the module).

 Determine your semester mark for each module: the first assignment contributes 30% and the second assignment 70%. Display the semester marks.

 Adjust the marks for Assignment 2 for COS1512 with +5%.

 Determine your semester mark for COS1512 again to see what effect the update had.

 Display an updated list of your semester marks for all the modules you are registered for.


Expert Solution

Answer :

using namespace std;
class module
string m_name; //name of the module
float per1; //first assignment contributes how much percent
float per2; //second assignment contributes how much percent
float total; //total semester marks
float m1; //first assignment marks out of 100
float m2; //second assignment marks out of 100
   void set_module(string name) //set the module name and contribution of both assignments
void marks(float marks1,float marks2) //marks calculation
void modify() //modify contributions assignment2 contribution becomes +5%=70+5=75% and assignment1 25%
void print() //print module name and marks
cout<<"Module name : "< cout<<"Semester marks : "< cout<<"-----------------------------------"< }
string module_name() //returns the module name
return m_name;
float marks1() //returns marks in assignment1 inputted by user
return m1;
float marks2() //returns marks in assignment2 inputted by user
return m2;

int main()
module m[3]; //array of module type objects

//set the module name and contributions of assignments
float mark1,mark2;

//enter marks for each module by user
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
cout<<"Enter assignment marks for module "< cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------"< cout<<"Enter marks obtained in assignment1(out of 100) : ";
cout<<"Enter marks obtained in assignment2(out of 100) : ";

//print information of modules
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)

//if module name is COS1512 then modify the assignment2 contribution to +5% that is it becomes 75% and assignment1 becomes 25%
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
string s=m[i].module_name();


//print information after updation
cout<<"After updation : "<

for(int i=0;i<3;i++)


Output :

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