
In: Economics

The main fossil fuels -- coal, natural gas, and crude oil -- are close substitutes in...

The main fossil fuels -- coal, natural gas, and crude oil -- are close substitutes in many industrial, commercial, and residential applications, such as for space heating, mechanical energy, electric power generation, and as a petrochemical feedstock. Despite their overlapping end uses and potential for substitution, differing physical characteristics of these fuels affect regional and global markets for them. Please write a few sentences describing how differences in physical characteristics affect regional and global trade for these fossil fuels.


Expert Solution

There are three types of fossil fuels which can all be used for energy provision; coal, oil and natural gas. Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed over millions of years by decay of land vegetation. When layers are compacted and heated over time, deposits are turned into coal. Coal is quite abundant compared to the other two fossil fuels. Analysts sometimes predict that worldwide coal use will increase as oil supplies become scarcer. Current coal supplies could last for 200 years or more. Coal is usually extracted in mines. Since the middle of the 20th century, coal use has doubled. Since 1996 its application is declining again. Many developing countries depend on coal for energy provision because they cannot afford oil or natural gas. China and India are major users of coal for energy provision.
Oil is a liquid fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of marine microorganisms deposited on the sea floor. After millions of years the deposits end up in rock and sediment where oil is trapped in small spaces. It can be extracted by large drilling platforms. Oil is the most widely used fossil fuel. Crude oil consists of many different organic compounds which are transformed to products in a refining process. It is applied in cars, jets, roads and roofs and many other. Oil cannot be found everywhere on earth and consequentially, there have been wars on oil supplies. A well-known example is the Gulf War of 1991.
Natural gas is a gaseous fossil fuel that is versatile, abundant and relatively clean compared to coal and oil. Like oil, it is formed from the remains of marine microorganisms. It is a relatively new type of energy source. Until 1999, more coal was used than natural gas. Natural gas has now overtaken coal in developed countries. However, people are afraid that like oil, natural gas supplies will run out. Some scientists have even predicted this might happen by the middle or end of the 21st century. Natural gas mainly consists of methane (CH4). It is highly compressed in small volumes at large depths in the earth. Like oil, it is brought to the surface by drilling. Natural gas reserves are more evenly distributed around the globe than oil supplies

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