In: Nursing
Surveys can be done to continue to research the epidemic as well as study students who have smoked and who haven’t smoked to see the difference and the effect tobacco has in a young person.
In 2002, the overall percentage of high school students who smoke was similar to the level among adult men in the United States.
Type of data collected: All the possible causes which may push or allure the students towards taking up smoking. So the most collected data was related to How often do they smoke, and how frequently throughout the day? How were they introduced to tobacco products and how easy is it to be obtained.
Types of questions asked: In this research researcher try to find out the factors which lead the youngsters or students to take up cigarette smoking, so the researcher can go for questionnaire based paper interviews, which allow the students to stay anonymous with their replies.
We would promote awareness to all the possible causes which may direct the students to take up smoking. Continue to prove the dangers of tobacco and attempt to implement stricter regulations in the distribution of tobacco to minors.