
In: Operations Management

A black firefighter alleges that each time he is transferred from one fire station to another,...

  1. A black firefighter alleges that each time he is transferred from one fire station to another, he must take his bed with him, on orders of the fire chief. The chief defends on the basis that it is a legitimate decision because white firefighters would not want to sleep in the same bed in which a black firefighter slept. Is this illegal under Title VII? Explain. [Georgia newspaper article.]


Expert Solution

Yes, it is an illegal practice under Title VII. Title VII protects the employees from any discriminatory practices by their employer on the basis of their caste, color, gender, nation, and beliefs. Any such discrimination leads to punishment by the court of law. In the given case, a black firefighter was asked to carry his own bed by the fire chief. The fire chief told him that no white firefighter would want to share his bed with a black firefighter. It is a clear violation of Title VII. The fire chief can be made liable for following discriminatory practices against his employees.

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