
In: Statistics and Probability

A paper in PNS looked at the difference in species number between related groups of multiple...

A paper in PNS looked at the difference in species number between related groups of multiple mating versus single mating insects. Paired phylogenetic contrasts are shown in the table below. Analyze data non-parametrically. Show all steps.

Polyandrous Monandrous
53 10
73 120
228 74
353 289
157 30
300 4
34 18
3400 3500
20 1000
196 486
1750 660
55 63
37 115
100 30
21000 60
37 40
7 5


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We can conduct Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test here.

Null hypothesis Ho : Two population medians are identical

Alternative hypothesis H1 : They are different

Full calculation with detailed steps are given below as an image.

Decision: Since the test is not significant,i.e, p value > 0.05 , we have no sufficient evidence to Reject Null Hypothesis

Conclusion : At 95% confidence level we conclude that two population medians are identical

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