Answer :
1.Premonitory signs
The series of changes happens in the utrus and cervix to
facilitate onset of labor and accomplish childbirth. These
premonitory signs and symptoms begings approximately 2 to 3 weeks
prior to onset of labor in primigravida but just few days prior in
- Lightening
:Sensation of decreased abdominal distention and relief due
to the descent of the fetal head into the pelvic inlet 2-3 weeks
prior to onset of labor.
- Releaf from
breathlessness: As the fetal head descent, the pressure on the
pulmonary diaphragm decreases, giving relief from
- Increased uterine
contractions : Under the
influence of hormonal changes and prostaglandins, the frequency,
intensity and duration of false labor pain increases and they
become more regular. Subsequently giving way to onset of true
- Discomfort and pain in lower abdomen, pelvis, lower
backa and inner thigh.
- Difficulty in walking
- increased frequency of urine
- blood mixed mucus discharge from vagina.
Mechanism of labor
Steps of mechanism of labor include :
- Head enters the brim through diameter (70 %) and to a
lesser extent through one of the oblique diameter.
- Position : occipito lateral or oblique
occipitoanterior(left > right
The principal movements are :
- Engagement : The sensation that a feels when the
lowermost part of the fetus descent and is engaged in the mother's
pelvis, an event that typically occurs 2 to 3 weeks before labor
- Descent : The downward passage of the presenting part
through the pelvis. This occurs intermittently with
- flexion : during flexion uterine contractions push the
fetus downward against the cervix.
- internal rotation : is the occiput occurs because in
the normal delivery where the head is fully flexed the occiput is
the most dependant part of the fetus and reaches the pelvic floor
- Crowming extension : When the widest diameter of the
fetal head successfully negotiates through the narrowest part of
the meternal body pelvis , the fetal head is considered to be
- Restitution
- External rotation
- expulsion of the trunk
Stages of
The first stage :
is when the neck of womb (cervix)
opens to 10 cm dialation. During this time contraction, 'show', and
braking of waters takes place.
The second stage of labor
:The stage of labor begins when thebirth canal is fully dialated
and the baby's head moves down out of the uterus and into the birth
birth canal.
The third stage of labor
the placenta : The final stage of the labor is delivary of
2. True labor
Contractions come and get closer together over time,
lasting about 30 to 70 seconds each. They continue regardless of
movement or resting. They progressively get stronger. Usually they
start in the back and move to the front.
False labor
Before "true" labor begings, might have "false" labor
pains, also known as Braxton Hicks contractions. These irregular
utrine contractions are perfectly normal and might start to occur
from fourth month of pregnency.
One differance between true and false labor is that
false labor (sometimes called Braxton-Hicks contractions) will not
dialate cervix. The contractions may come at regular intervals but
they will not increase in strength or get closer together. For
instance, they may be 5 minutes apart for hours but not change
cervix at all.
Signs of false labor
- Contractions will feel better while
- Contractions may stay the same strength
- Contractions may stay the same interval for long
periods of time.
- False labor is felt generally only in the
- False labor does not have bloody show associated with
Signs of true labor
- Contractions will increase in strength while
- contractions will get stronger in intensity over
- contractions will gradually become closure
- contractions will start in in back and move to the
- Bloody show may be present with true
Time of the contractions for the start of one to the
start of the next and keep list of each one. Write down how long
each contraction lasts. This will help to know if it is time to go
to hospital.
3. Various epidemiological studies have suggested
associations between environmental exposure such as :
- smoking
- vedio display terminals
: it iss do not emit ionizing radiations, but they do emit
electromagnetic radiations. Their use has not been associated with
adverse pregnency out come or to any teratogenic effects. Exampl
:daily exposure to mobile phones, heated beds, electric blankets
and health professional using diagnostic and therapeutic
- anesthetic gases
- antineoplastic drugs and
exposure lead :exposure to ionizing radiation during
periconceptional period and during erly gestation has been
associated with congenital deffects and risk of childhood
- seleniuma nd inorganic mercury
- cigarette smoking during
pregnency : Mothers who smoke during pregnancy are twice as
likely to give birth to low birth weight infants (weight average
250 to 250 gm less than infants born to non-smoking mothers).
Inutero , nicotine targets the fetal nicotinic cetylcholine
recptors in the brain , to change , to change the pattern cell
proliferation and differanciation.
- Air pollusion : It
has been associated with congenital birth defects, as well as with
low birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction.
- pesticide exposure
: Pregnent women working in the agricultural fields ,
landscape artists are at risk for pesticide exposure . This leads
to spontaneous miscarriages , low birth weight and preterm delivery
in green houseworkers.Other potential effects of exposure include
infertility, reduced fecundity in women of reproductive age
- stress :
have also been associated with low birth weight and preterm