
In: Biology

We analyze how plants evolved from green algae and adapted to life on land.  Additionally, we will...

We analyze how plants evolved from green algae and adapted to life on land.  Additionally, we will classify seed plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms by structure and function. Finally, we will classify fungi by structure and function.    

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • If you had to choose a favorite plant, which one would it be? Why?


Expert Solution

seed plant ie gymnosperm and angiosperm have various differences among them. as by the name , gymno means naked , ie they have naked seeds while angio have covered ones.

in the vascular system, the xykem vessels are absent in gymno and present in angio, companinon cells are absent in gymno and presnt in angio, also style and stigma absent in gymno, and present in angio, double fertilisation absent in gymno, while present in angio, endsoperm haploid in gymno, whiile endopserm triploid in angio, archegonia present in gymno, while it is absent in angio, cone present in gymno while absent in angio.

thse are few of the basic differences of gymno and angio plants.

while fungus is divided into fou types, phycomycetes, ascusmycetes, basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes.

the hypha of phyco is asptate while that of others is septate, ,reproduction is sexual in basidio and asexual in deutero while both in phyco and asco., while are spores are sporangiospore in phyco, blastospore conidia and ascus in asco, basidiospores in basidio, and thallospore and conidium in deuteromycetes.these are few of the basic differences and classiffication of fungus.

if choosing one of the best plant in the world, i will choose azadirachta indica, because of its medicinal benefits and use.

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