
In: Chemistry

In the first 12.0 s of the reaction, 1.6×10−2 mol of O2 is produced in a...

In the first 12.0 s of the reaction, 1.6×10−2 mol of O2 is produced in a reaction vessel with a volume of 0.340 L . What is the average rate of the reaction over this time interval?


Expert Solution

Molarity of O2 , M = Number of moles / volume in L

                           = 1.6x10-2 mol / 0.340 L

                           = 0.047 mol/L

                           = 0.047 M

Average rate , r = Concentration of O2 produced / time interval

                      = 0.047 M / 12.0 s

                     = 3.92x10-3 M/s

Therefore average rate of the reaction over this time interval is 3.92x10-3 Ms-1

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