
In: Operations Management

Discuss at least three APA concepts by using this link

Discuss at least three APA concepts by using this link



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APA style and concept was developed in order to establish simple sets and procedures and rules for codifying scientific writing for the purpose of increasing ease in reading comprehension and referencing. The APA rules and concept provide guidelines that publisher should observe keenly for clear and consistent presentation of their presentation of any written material. In this analysis on the APA concepts am going to review three APA concepts in detail.

The first concept is the paper format. The paper format in APA style includes the following details.

  • One sided paper
  • Font size 12 times roman or courier
  • At least 1 inch margins
  • Page numbers should be numbered consecutively beginning with the tittle page on the upper right edge with at least 1 inch from the edge.
  • The manuscript page headers should have identifier of the manuscript pages and have 2 to 3 words of the tittle on the hand corner above or 5 spaces before the page number.
  • The page sections are usually divided in the following sections: the tittle page, abstract, the text/ body, references, when necessary should include appendices, footnotes and notes, tables and figures respectively.
  • The title page in APA format should have the following style:
  • A running head for publication with a maximum of 50 characters all caps and should flush at the left side and on top of the title page.
  • The tittle should be centered on the upper half of the page and contains more than one line should be double spaced.
  • The byline and the affiliation should be presented on the order of contribution, centered and one double- space below the tittle.

The second concept is the in text citation. It includes the following details

When using a single Reference Citation- the Author’s last name and year of publication; separated by a comma. When using Multiple Reference Citation- Semi-colon (;) to separate multiple references for a single citation in Alphabetical order. In the case of 3-5 authors, list all last names first time; subsequent citations are listed under first author followed by et al. and publication year

6 or more authors should be referenced using the last name of the first author et al., publication year and the Web site and electronic references should indicate the authors name if available and the year, if the author is unknown use the page tittle or first couple of words of the paragraph. If the year is unknown use n.d. lastly the subsequent citation in same paragraph- Author(s) name only; no date, Author and date included in subsequent paragraphs

The third concept is on the referencing APA style and includes the following guidelines:

  1. double space
  2. centered tittle page at the top of the page
  3. hanging indent format
  4. The components of the reference should start on a new page number in the upper right corner and centered on the top.

  1. The components of the reference should start on a new page number in the upper right corner and centered on the top.

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