
In: Chemistry

At T=Tc, (∂P/∂V)V T=Tc = 0 and (∂2P/∂V2)T=TC = 0. Use this information to derive expressions...

At T=Tc, (∂P/∂V)V T=Tc = 0 and (∂2P/∂V2)T=TC = 0. Use this information to derive expressions for a and b in the van der Waals equation of state in terms of experimentally determined Pc and Tc.


Expert Solution

Vanderwaal equation can be written as

(P+a/V2)*(V-b)= RT   (1)

P= RT/(V-b)- a/V2 (1A)

Differentiating Eq.1A with respect to V at constant temperature gives

(dp/dV)T= -RT/(V-b)2+2a/V3     (2)

At critical point T= Tc and (dp/dV)T =Tc =0

RTC/(Vc-b)2 =2a/VC3      (2A)

Differentiation Eq.2 again

Eq.2 becomes (d2P/dV2) T= Tc gives 2RTC/(VC-b)3- 6a/VC4 =0        (3)

Or 2RTC/(Vc-b)3= 6a/Vc4     (4)

Dividing Eq.2A and Eq.4 gives

VC =3b   (5)

But RTC/(Vc-b)2= 2a/VC3 (Eq.2A)

substituting Eq.5 in this equation gives

RTC/(3b-b)2= 2a/(3b)3

RTC/4b2= 2a/27b3

TC= 8a/27bR    (6)

But at critical point from Eq.1

PC= RTC/(VC-b)- a/VC2     (7)

Substitution of TC from Eq.6 and Vc=3b from eq.5 gives

PC= (8a/27bR)*R/(2b)- a/9b2

Pc= 8a/54b2 -a/9b2   = a/27b2   (8)

Eq.6/Eq.8 gives

TC/PC= (8a/27bR*(27b2/a) =8b/R

Hence b= RTC/8PC    (9)

from Eq.6, squaring it gives

TC2= 64a2/ 729b2R2

Tc2/PC= (64a2/729b2R2)* 27b2/a = 64a/27R2

a= 27R2TC2/ 64Pc

These are the expressions for a and b in terms of PCand TC

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