
In: Nursing

37. Describe the indications, action and contra indications of a commonly used medication on the human...

37. Describe the indications, action and contra indications of a commonly used medication on the human organism e.g., Aspirin, Paracetamol, Salbutamol etc.


Indications for use








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There are numerous number of drugs which are used in human organism to treat certain illness and ailments. These drugs fall into some classes which may be grouped according to their chemical nature, pharmacological effect, its target system, site of action, mechanism of action and physiochemical properties. Some of the commonly used drug class are antipyretics, antacids, analgesics, Bronchodialtors, Antibiotics, antiinflammatory, antihypertensive, antidiabetic and many more. The drug course of some commonly used medications are given below:

Name of the drug Aspirin Salbutamol Paracetamol Diclofenac Ranitidine
Drug class Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug. Bronchodialator Analgesic and antipyretic Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug H2 receptor blockers
Indication for use Fever, pain such as tooth ache, headache and inflammation like in rheumatic arthritis, kawasaki disease and pericarditis. Also used in angina, heart attack, ischemic stroke. Asthma, COPD, hyperkalemia, Fever, mild to moderate pain like headache, toothache, osteoarthritis etc acute and chronic pain like in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Alkylosing spondylitis Heart burn, oesophagitis, GERD, peptic ulcers
Action It suppress the production of prostaglandin and thromboxane. Prostaglandin is responsible for transmission of pain information to brain, modulation of hypothalamic thermostat and inflammation. Thromboxane is responsible for aggregation of platelet that forms blood clot. Drug acts on beta receptors whicah causes adenylyl cyclase to convert ATP to cAMP. The increase in cAMP inhibits inflammatory cells in the airways,It also increases the conductance of channels sensitive to calcium and potassium which causes the relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles It inhibit the function of cyclo oxygenase enzyme in brain thereby contribute to its ability to treat pain and fever. potent inhibitor of prostaglandin and also inhibits cyclo oxygenase therefore acts to reduce pain, fever and inflammation blocks the production of histamine in gastric parietal cells and decreases the production of acid by the cells of the stomach.
Contraindication Bleeding disorder, Allergy to NSAIDS, peptic ulcers, kidney disease, gout, dengue fever Allergy to bronchodialators, hypokalemia Alcoholics, liver diseases GI bleeding, peptic ulcers,perforation, Hypersensitivity, CABG, recent MI Hypersensitivity
Side effects GI bleeding, tinnitus, allergic reactions, Intracranial bleeding tremor, anxiety, headache, muscle cramps, dry mouth, palpitation, utricaria, hypokalemia. liver damage, skin reactions, overdosage may cause nausea,vomiting and sweating. GI bleeding, hepatotoxicity, hypertension, cardiovascular thrombotic events, renal toxicity, anaphylactic reactions. Headache, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness.

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