In: Nursing
BMI as a vital sign. Insured that all patients in local community clinics had their height and weight measured at each visit through provider education and training and referral system development (reached over 7,500 clinic patients). ? Breastfeeding policy. Implemented policies to promote breastfeeding in clinics, educated patients and clinic employees on the value of breastfeeding, and built capacity for more certified lactation specialists. Documented rates of exclusive breastfeeding from 7.7% in January 2005 to 20.2% in November 2009 (reached 900 staff and patients). ? School menu standards. Improved school meal/menu program during and after school to ensure meal compliance with nutritional standards and needs. Improved menu offerings and ingredients (e.g., added salad bars, changed to baked fries, whole wheat flour, etc). Expanded Universal Breakfast to five schools. Monitored compliance of policies for healthy fundraising, healthy vending, and alternative classroom rewards and incentives (reached over 7,700 students). ? PE standards. Implemented, at five elementary schools, the California standards-based physical activity curriculum and Game Days during school (reached 3,450 students). ? Worksite wellness. Worked with employers to adopt and implement worksite HEAL policies in the workplace; all county departments now have a worksite wellness coordinator. Received the worksite wellness bronze award for its accomplishments. (reached 4,000 employees in several worksites). ? Corner market produce. Implemented a grocery store Healthy Produce Basket project in neighborhood stores. Provided owners with educational materials and free produce in a basket and worked to identify ways to maintain the flow of produce. Some stores began purchasing from distributers. Worked with youth to provide free produce deliveries to these stores from unsold farmers’ market products to assist stores build a customer base for fresh fruits and vegetables (reached 4200 residents). ? Resident gardens. Local women from the Healthy Birth Outcome (HBO) Project grew produce in their backyards. Piloted selling excess produce at a stand in the park with the intention of creating a farmer’s market (reached 160 residents). ? Farmer's market. Organized and developed a four-month annual certified farmers’ market in West Modesto. Worked with Heifer International, a local organization that donated farm land and staff, and Project Uplift, a youth development project, to train youth to grow and sell organic produce with other vendors (reached 625 residents). ? After-school physical activity. Implemented a number of programs to increase the amount of exercise students get in afterschool programs, including the SPARK curriculum (offered daily), Powerplay (offered three times per week), and “Walk It Out” (offered three times per week). Increased daily after-school activity time from 15% to 45% (reached 1800 students). ? Walking school bus. Created a walking school bus at one school that increased the number of students walking approximately one half mile to school each day. Increased safety awareness through adult supervision, influenced traffic abatement, and reduced student tardiness (75 students walking daily). ? BMI counseling. Developed a routine counseling system to promote weight reduction among patients identified as being overweight in health care clinics (reached 140 patients). ? Youth awareness. Promoted student awareness of the importance of healthy eating and physical activity through the Educational Theater Program, Walk to School assemblies and other events (reached 2080 students). ? Community awareness of safe physical activity programs. Developed healthy messages for partners to insert into flyers, newsletters, bus ads, billboards, articles in local newspaper, and events (reached 17,000 residents). ? Worksite wellness promotion. Developed and implemented worksite wellness programs to decrease consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages and promote physical activity among employees. Received a state worksite wellness bronze award for its accomplishments (reached 4,000 employees in several worksites). After reading the description CAREFULLY, please organize the various objectives employed in this evaluation into the "bands" of the social-ecological model. You should briefly indicate WHY you feel these strategies fall within the specific categories of the model. From the list of objectives you have placed in the model, pick one objective from EACH of the "bands" of the model. Describe how you would evaluate that objective. Would you use formative or summative methods (and why)? What types of study design (qualitative or quantitative) and specific techniques would you use to collect the data in order to evaluate that objective? What sort of sampling might you use for each data collection approach? Remember to argue for your choices!
According to the social and ecological model,
The variables are mentioned from bottom top which includes :- 1.Individual 2.Interpersonal 3.Organization 4. community 5. Policy model
Q 1. Individual band :- BMI as a vital sign and BMI councelling
Interpersonal Model :- Youth wellness
Organization model :- PE standards worksit wellness, Worksit welness promotion
Community Model :- School menu standards, Corner market produce, Residents garden, Farmers garden, Community awareness
Policy model :- Breast feeding policy,
According to the interpersonal modelmeans Family, provider and friend, Organizational model comprises of professional health plans and programs. community includes andpolicy model states thatEmployee and work site and olicy model program and policy.
Evaluation of objective in each band
1. BMI councelling- To promote the weight reduction for the patient diagnosed as overweight according to their BMI
2. Youth wellness - To promote the healthy eating and physical activity.
3.PE standards :- To evaluate the standards of physical activity
4. School menu - To ensure meal compliance with nutritional standards and needs.
5. Breast feeding policy - To promote the practice of breast feeding among the mothers.
Evaluation :- summative type of evaluation because evaluation can be done at the end of process
Design ; non experimental descriptive approach because we werer not planning to manipulate and control
Sampling ; Random sampling technique to make same as generalized