Social structure is an ordered arrangement, or the, macro level
of society. These may social forces, social institutions, or,
patterns of institutionalized relationships. Social structure
affects growth through these channels:
- individuals shifting from one socio-economic group to
- modification of income differentials across socio-economic
groups, and, sectors
- Change in welfare, and, income disparities across
Inequality changes, and, sectoral shifts between socio-economic
groups have an impact on inequality in the society.
Social issues that recur over
- Strengthening and weakening of social structures on particular
criteria; the criteria that do not remain the same but the social
issue recurs
- Income differentials amongst sectors, leading to changes in
industrial, and, social structure
- Changes in education levels amongst the population
Aspects of economic system promoted to advanced living
- Avoiding financial, and, economic crises; inflation, swings in
economic activity, volatility in financial markets, and, foreign
- The instability that discourages investment
- The volatility that does not lead to gradual structural change
but tries to hasten it
- Inflation is a single-minded
concern for many central banks.
- It can lead to high unemployment,
and, marked economic slowdown as high commodity prices may require
prices of other goods, and, wages to fall elsewhere
- It can be called as the cruelest
tax. Unemployment levels are high when inflation is high.
- Central banks are not able to
manage the rates of unemployment; when they need to increase
inflation to bring unemployment rate to the natural rate; low
unemployment is temporary
- It may represent a bubble in
stocks, real estate, or any other segment invested in