
In: Nursing

1. Mrs. Perez, 32 years of age, is a Hispanic patient who is admitted for early...

1. Mrs. Perez, 32 years of age, is a Hispanic patient who is admitted for early stage cancer of the uterus. The surgeon stated that in order to treat Mrs. Perez’s cancer successfully, the uterus will need to be removed surgically through a procedure called a simple hysterectomy leaving the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and vagina. The surgeon requests that the nurse make arrangements for an interpreter, so they can both use the interpreter’s services. The patient only speaks Spanish, but her mother and one of the patient’s sisters are bilingual. They are currently visiting the patient. Her husband is also visiting and he only speaks Spanish. The patient’s two children are with her sister Maria. The family stated they are devout Catholics and request to see a priest while in the hospital. Today is Ash Wednesday. (Learning Objective 4)

Which interpreter is the most appropriate choice to communicate with Mrs. Perez and why?

After critically analyzing the cultural influences, what nursing actions are appropriate for the patient?


Expert Solution

1) In the above scenario, the best interpreter for Mrs. Perez will be her mother if she can speak spanish.

Cancer is a condition which often makes people emotional unstable. They are in a fear of dying. Moreover, the decision to remove her uterus is not so easy as Mrs Perez is in her reproductive age. The society based concepts about hysterectomy will also make the decision difficult.

Her mother who is bilingual if knows spanish will be best person to communicate. As she is women and her mother, Mrs.Perez will have complete trust on her and will believe whatever is communicated to her. Her mother also knows how to communicate with her and to handle her emotional stress. She is the correct person who can provide emotional and psychological support to her.

As the family of Mrs. Perez is devout Catholic, she will seek spiritual help to cope with her present situation and will trust in miracle to happen. The Priest who can speak spanish, can utilize this time to explain all the treatment modalities which can save her from death along with continuation of prayer.

In the absence of priest who speaks spanish, a social worker or an interpreter possibly a women who speaks spanish can communicate to her better. As she is a women,it will make conversation easier and it will be more acceptable as women always thinks that only a women can understand another women better.

2) As she is hispanic, the nurse should arrange for spanish interpreter who can communicate to her about her treatment plans and regimen. The other important cultural concern is that its a Ash Wednesday which is an important day for Christians based on our religious belief. Therefore the nurse should also coordinate to arrange for a priest who can visit her in hospital and support her spiritually and emotionally. The nurse should also consider the language barrier and should be patient and compassionate in her attitude while providing care to patient. The nurse should also avoid making unnecessary comments infront of Mrs.Perez as it can be misunderstood by her. Even though Mrs.Perez is of a varied culture, her care planned should meet all her needs, should respect her values,beliefs and preferences. Adequate time should be allowed to her to make decisions and her family members should be allowed to partcipate in her treatment plan.

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