What is the purpose of the European Union and how did it evolve
into the IGO...
What is the purpose of the European Union and how did it evolve
into the IGO which it is today? How is the structure of the EU
different from the UN? Are there any problems with the EU?
What is the purpose of the European Union and how did it evolve
into the IGO which it is today? How is the structure of the EU
different from the UN? Are there any problems with the EU?
How did the current Federal Reserve System evolve? What aspects
of the American experience with a central bank were important in
shaping the current structure of the Fed?
How large is the European Union constitution and what is
its ratification status? In terms of size how does this
compare to the United States Constitution?
How many countries are now in the European
Union? Well, Britain left the union.
Has there been a big impact on the EU
since Britain’s exit? What will be the
potential impact on us (USA)?