In: Nursing
Provide one paragraph response to the following:
• Recognizing that over 50% of cancers are preventable, identify a risk reduction strategy and create a public health communication initiative that will increase knowledge and action on the individual, community or population level
Many research in United States of America suggest that more than 50 % of the cancers are preventable. Research suggest that only 5% cancer can be heritable transfer into off spring. Major cases of cancer has been found in the organ of breast, cervical, lung, prostate, skin and many more.
So, National policies should be implemented to raise the risk and help people to get rid of those bad habits that Directly or indirectly harm us.
Tobacco - Tobacco eating is the major health concern. It kills approximately half million people each year. It causes many types of cancers for eg-cancers of lung, throat, mouth. In non-smoking adult second hand smoke cause biggest concern. Smokeless tobacco also participate in cancer.
Dietary factors and obesity- There is link between over weight and obesity and cancer.
Diets high in fruits and vegetables may help to independent protective against many cancers.
Regular exercise, work out to control your body mass index that help to maintain the body weight.
Alcohol use;
It is one of the risk factor that cause cancer of oral cavity, pharynx, liver, breast. How much we consume alcohol it is also increase the risk of cancer.
Heavy Alcohol consume should be avoided .
According to the data 15 % of the cancer due to infectious agents that are helicobacter pylori, human papilloma virus, hepatitis B and C virus and Epstein virus.
Vaccines that are available against these infections also help to reduce the cancer rate.
Environmental pollution-
Different pollution of air, water, carcinogenic chemical cause the cancer or contributing the major portion in developing the cancer. Work related exposure also cause cancer. Eg contact with aesbesto cause mesothelioma or lung cancer.
Exposure of ionising radiation cause Various type of malignancy including leukemia and number of solid tumor.
We should keep our self away from radioactive compound and from its exposure.