
In: Nursing

As a nurse explain the importance of these. 1.)Nursing’s Pathway to Professionalism 2.)Interprofessionality 3.)Professional Preparation and...

As a nurse explain the importance of these.

1.)Nursing’s Pathway to Professionalism


3.)Professional Preparation and Commitment

4.)Occupation-Profession Continuum

5.)Barriers to Professionalism in Nursing


Expert Solution

1- The question of whether nursing is a profession has been debated for decades. Nurse leaders have explored the professionalisation of occupancy.  In 1959, Bixler and Bixle reappraised nursing, noting progress in nursing’s professional development .

Acoording to kelly's criteria-

1. The services provided are vital to humanity and the welfare of society.

2. There is a special body of knowledge that is continually enlarged through research.

3. The services involve intellectual activities; individual responsibility (accountability) is a strong feature.

4. Practitioners are educated in institutions of higher learning.

5. Practitioners are relatively independent and control their own policies and activities (autonomy).

6. Practitioners are motivated by service (altruism) and consider their work an important component of their lives.

7. There is a code of ethics to guide the decisions and conduct of practitioners.

8. There is an organization (association) that encourages and supports high standards of practice.

2-interprofessionality is a “process by which professionals reflect on and develop ways of practicing that provides an integrated and cohesive answer to the needs of the client/family/population . . . [involving] continuous interaction and knowledge sharing between professionals” (p. 9). In 2010, the World Health Organization (WHO) noted that in the current global climate, “it is no longer enough for health workers to be professional . . . [they] also need to be interprofessional” (p. 36).

The Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel Report (2011) identified four domains of interprofessional collaborative practice competency:

1. Values/ethics for interprofessional practice

2. Roles/responsibilities

3. Interprofessional communication

4. Teams and teamwork

3-Professional preparation, typically taking place in a college or university, requires instruction in the specialized body of knowledge and techniques of the profession. In addition to knowledge and skills, professional preparation includes orientation to the beliefs, values, and attitudes expected of the members of the profession, as well as the standards of practice and ethical considerations. These components of professional education are part of the process of socialization into a profession .This intense preparation enables professional practitioners to act in a logical, rational manner using a scientific knowledge and prescribed ways of thinking through problems rather than relying on simple problem solving, custom, intuition, or trial and error.

Professional commitment
Professionals are usually very committed to their work, deriving much of their personal identification from it, and consider it an integral part of their lives; some people even refer to their profession as their “calling.” Historically, professionals’ commitment to their profession has transcended their expectation of material reward. The strong identity that professionals develop means that it is less common for them to change careers, as compared with persons involved in occupations, which may not involve such a strong commitment and identity.


Professions usually The distinction between an occupation and profession is not always clear. The term “occupation” is often used interchangeably with “profession,” but their definitions differ. Collins English Dictionary (2009) defines “occupation” as “a person’s regular work or profession; job or principal activity.” In this discussion, Huber’s (2000) definition of “profession” is used to make the distinction between an occupation and a profession: “a calling, vocation, or form of employment that provides a needed service to society and possesses characteristics of expertise, autonomy, long academic preparation, commitment, and responsibility

from occupations that originally consisted of tasks but developed more specialized educational pathways and publicly legitimized status. The earliest recognized “learned” professions (law, medicine, and divinity) generally followed a sequential development. First, practitioners of these professions performed full-time work in the discipline. They then determined work standards, identified a body of knowledge, and established educational programs in institutions of higher learning. Next, they promoted organization into effective occupational associations, and then worked to establish legal protection that limited practice of their unique skills by outsiders. Finally they established codes of ethics (Carr-Saunders and Wilson, 1933). This is the process known as “professionalization.”

5- some factors such as slow formulations of nursing , disagreement in educational requirements for nurses, lack of academic education amd lack of theory and theory based research are some important barrier for nursing as a profession.

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