
In: Computer Science

Write a function in lisp XIT that counts the number of items in each sub-list of...

Write a function in lisp XIT that counts the number of items in each sub-list of a list and returns the count in a list. It should only work if there are two levels of brackets in the parameter (simple lists inside the parent list). Thus:

            (XIT '((A B C)))       

-> (3)

            (XIT '((A) (A B) (A B C)))

-> (1 2 3)

            (XIT '((1 2)))             

-> (2)

            (XIT '(1 (2 3)))           


            (XIT '((1 2 (3))))        



Expert Solution

Answer: The below code does the required task.

Here a helper function '(check (lst))' is used. This function takes in a list as a parameter and returns 'T' if all the elements of if are not lists. Else it returns 'nil'.


check function:-

(defun check (lst)
       (setq len2 (length lst))
       (setq j 0)
           (setq tmp2 (nth j lst))
           (if (listp tmp2)
               (return nil)
           (setq j (+ j 1))
           (when (= j len2)
               (return t)

XIT function:-

(defun XIT (a)
       (if (not (listp a))
           (progn (return ''(illegal)))
               (setq len (length a))
               (setq i 0)
               (setq ret '())
                   (setq tmp (nth i a))
                   (if (not (listp tmp))
                       (progn (return ''(illegal)))
                       (if (not (check tmp))
                           (progn (return ''(illegal)))
                               (setq l (length tmp))
                               (setq ret (append ret (list (eval l))))
                               (setq i (+ i 1))
                               (when (= i len) (return ret))


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