
In: Nursing

Describe the conditions that predispose to vaginal infections and the methods used to prevent and treat...

Describe the conditions that predispose to vaginal infections and the methods used to prevent and treat these infections. Explain how the vaginal environment will protect the host from infection.


Expert Solution

Ans. Predisposing condition

Bacterial vaginosis. This most common cause of vaginitis results from a change of the normal bacteria found in your vaginal, to overgrowth of one of several other organisms.

Yeast infections. These occur when there's an overgrowth of a fungal organism usually C. albicans in your vaginal. C. albicans also causes infections

Trichomoniasis. This common sexually transmitted infection is caused by a microscopic, one-celled parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis.

Noninfectious vaginitis. Vaginal sprays, douches, perfumed soaps, scented detergents and spermicidal products may cause an allergic reaction or irritate vulvar and vaginal tissues.

Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (vaginal atrophy). Reduced estrogen levels after menopause or surgical removal of your ovaries can cause the vaginal lining to thin, sometimes resulting in vaginal irritation, burning and dryness.

Other factors are

Hormonal changes, such as those associated with pregnancy, birth control pills or menopause

Sexual activity

Having a sexually transmitted infection

Medications, such as antibiotics and steroids

Use of spermicides for birth control

Uncontrolled diabetes

Use of hygiene products such as bubble bath, vaginal spray or vaginal deodorant


Wearing damp or tightfitting clothing

Using an intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control

Ans. 2. Methods used to prevent and treat infection

Prevention :- Good hygiene may prevent some types of vaginitis from recurring and may relieve some symptoms:

Avoid baths, hot tubs and whirlpool spas. Avoid irritants. These include scented tampons, pads, douches and scented soaps. Rinse soap from your outer genital area after a shower, and dry the area well to prevent irritation. Don't use harsh soaps, such as those with deodorant or antibacterial action, or bubble bath.

Wipe from front to back after using the toilet. Doing so avoids spreading fecal bacteria to your vaginal. Other things you can do that may help prevent vaginitis include:

Don't douche. Your vaginal doesn't require cleansing other than normal bathing. Repetitive douching disrupts the normal organisms that reside in the vaginal and can actually increase your risk of vaginal infection. Douching won't clear up a vaginal infection.

Use a latex condom. Both male and female latex condoms may help you avoid infections spread by sexual contact.

Wear cotton underwear. Also wear pantyhose with a cotton crotch. If you feel comfortable without it, skip wearing underwear to bed. Yeast thrives in moist environments.


A variety of organisms and conditions can cause vaginitis, so treatment targets the specific cause:

Bacterial vaginosis. For this type of vaginitis, your doctor may prescribe metronidazole (Flagyl) tablets that you take by mouth or metronidazole (MetroGel) gel or clindamycin (Cleocin) cream that you apply to your vaginal.

Yeast infections. Yeast infections usually are treated with an over-the-counter antifungal cream or suppository, such as miconazole, clotrimazole, butoconazole or tioconazole Trichomoniasis. Your doctor may prescribe metronidazole tablets.

Noninfectious vaginitis. To treat this type of vaginitis, you need to pinpoint the source of the irritation and avoid it. Possible sources include new soap, laundry detergent, sanitary napkins or tampons

Ans. 3. The physiological status of the vaginal milieu is important for the wellbeing of the host as well as for successful reproduction. High estrogen states, as seen during puberty and pregnancy, promote the preservation of a homeostatic (eubiotic) vaginal microenvironment by stimulating the maturation and proliferation of vaginal epithelial cells and the accumulation of glycogen. A glycogen-rich vaginal milieu is a haven for the proliferation of Lactobacilli facilitated by the production of lactic acid and decreased pH. Lactobacilli and their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory products along with components of the epithelial mucosal barrier provide an effective first line defense against invading pathogens including bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis-associated bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. An optimal host-microbial interaction is required for the maintenance of eubiosis and vaginal health. Thus the ph value of the vaginal helps to reduce the chace of infection.

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