In: Anatomy and Physiology
match the following;
innate defense system
third line fo defensee
adaptive defense system
first line fo defense
second line of defense
answers to match
intact skin and mucous membrane
inflammatory response and skin and mucous membrane
immune response
infalmmatory response
1.Innate defense system of the body are inflammatory response , skin and mucus membrane. These are non specific defences which are present in the body from birth. These defense systems do not differentiate various organisms or pathogens and act in same way to all.
2. Third line of defense system of body are the specific defense mechanisms. These activate when 1st to lines of defense fail.This includes immune response of the body which include various cells like T and B lymphocytes and memory cells.
3. Adaptive defense system of the body include third line of defense or specific defense mechanisms. It include immune response or immunity in it.Its key attributes despite innate defense system is specificity and memory cells.
4.1st line of defence in body include primary defense against the pathogens to prevent their entry in body. It include physical and chemical Barrie's that prevent body from infectious agents. It include skin , mucus membrane , tears, cilia and stomach acid etc.
5. 2nd line of the defense in body also included in non specific defense mechanisms. This include non cellular and non molecular innate immune responses. This consist of inflammatory response , fever, antimicrobial proteins etc.