
In: Finance

Suppose you were on a state supreme court and faced with a restaurant-choking case. Should you require restaurant employees

Suppose you were on a state supreme court and faced with a restaurant-choking case. Should you require restaurant employees to know and employ the Heimlich maneuver to assist a choking victim? If they do a bad job, they could cause additional injury. Should you permit them to do nothing at all? Is there a compromise position? What social policies are most important?




Expert Solution


• The choking can lead to death sometime if the proper treatment won’t be given the victims. When you are manager of restaurant it is the due responsibility of him to train their employees about initiating Heimlich maneuver to chocking victim in order to save him.


• If a employee do nothing than it can be case of negligence of due duty that the employee was not supposed to stand still and do nothing to choking victim, employee can bring the help or asked any ne who have known the maneuver, and manager should train his employee about maneuver to make it safe if any victim is choking.


• There are 4 different way to give maneuver to people including one specific to infant.


• There are 14 states in US who have specific laws toward choking in restaurant. The Restaurant owner has the responsibility towards their customer and they has duty due towards their customer and their employee should have to train regarding these maneuver.

• The choking can lead to death sometime if the proper treatment won’t be given the victims. 

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