
In: Economics

Which of the following is a startup resource? (Select all that apply.) a. People b. Value...

Which of the following is a startup resource? (Select all that apply.) a. People b. Value chains c. Financial resources d. Business processes e. Intellectual resources f. Physical assets

Which of the following is a startup resource? (Select all that apply.) a. People b. Value chains c. Financial resources d. Business processes e. Intellectual resources f. Physical assets Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence.

The purpose of a business process map is to: a. map the business process. b. detail how information flows through the business. c. understand your business activities.

Which of the following is determined by where your business lies in the value chain? (Select all that apply.)

a. Whether your company is a manufacturer, distributor, or retailer.
b. What your company's profit margins will be.
c. How valuable your company is.
d. How much risk you will need to take.

e. Who your customers are.

True or False? Every company experiences seasonality.

a. True
b. False

What are the three broad types of risk that an entrepreneur faces and can manage? (Select all three.)

a. Risks that are easy and cheap to overcome but which can produce large rewards
b. Risks that result from decisions that take you down the wrong path—sunk costs
c. Deal-killer risks that might prevent the launch of the business
d. Unknown risks, also known as "Black Swans"

Which of the following metrics would be important to a startup business that produces self-improvement videos for sale direct to consumers online? (Select all that apply.)

a. Customer acquisition costs
b. Revenues per salesperson
c. Monthly burn rate
d. Average order size

e. Viral coefficient

True or False? Pricing should be designed to cover total costs.

a. True
b. False

Customers typically recognize three types of price: the price normally paid, which is the _____; the price compared to a substitute product, which is the _____; and the price paid for specials, which is the _____.

a. relative price; sale price; standard price
b. sale price, standard price; relative price
c. standard price; relative price; sale price
d. sale price; relative price, standard price

To help you make decisions that might bring down the cost of starting your business, you should break out cash needs into types of capital resources. Which of the following are these types of capital? (Select all that apply.)

a. Working capital
b. Startup expenses
c. Capital expenditures
d. Sales forecast
e. Safety margin


Expert Solution

1st:- c) financial resource

for a startup every given resource is important but there is one resource that can buy almost every other resource and is considered the life bloof of any business. and that resource is FINANCIAL RESOURCE. if your business has financial resource than with this you can buy/invest in physical, intellectual, value chain , people and everything you need under any circumstance.

2nd:- c) understand your business activity

the basic purpose of business proces map is to make business process more effective. it involves how a business entity works, who is responsible and how the success of a business can be determined.

basically all given options are correct, but what it does the most is help insiders and outsiders understand business activity.

3rd: a,b,d,e are correct.

say your company is purchasing manufactured goods in the value chain so you are a wholesaler and than sale that to customer or retailer so it helps to anylyse that you are wholesaler and you company will bear major risk and reduce some risk of producer and you profit margin and you will sell this to retailer. but it is difficult to say how valuable your company is.

4th:- false


example : social networking sites like youtube, google does not have any such seasons.

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