
In: Psychology

How to write a philosophical essay ?

How to write a philosophical essay ?


Expert Solution

Good writing is the product of proper training, much practice, and hard work. Before you start to write your paper, you should be able to state exactly what it is that you are trying to show. The steps for writing a good philosphical essay are as follows:

  1. Give proper time to yourself: Writing a good philosophy paper is time-consuming and requires careful planning. Try to begin developing your ideas for your philosophy paper as soon as you get the assignment. Jot down your ideas and think about what you want to write about.
  2. Read all the relevant materials: Make sure that you have carefully read all of the materials that are related to the assignment. Having a solid understanding of the concepts covered in your readings is essential to create an effective paper.
  3. Make sure that you understand the assignment: If any part of the assignment is unclear, ask your professor for clarification.
  4. Consider your audience: It is important to keep your audience in mind as you plan your paper and as you write your paper. Your professor and classmates will be part of your audience.
  5. Choose references: With philosophy papers, it is best to use quotes from the text only when it is absolutely necessary.
  6. Develop a thesis: All philosophy papers need to have a strong thesis. Your thesis states your position for the paper and you will need to make sure that you stay focused on your thesis and support it throughout your entire paper.
  7. Outline your paper: An outline can help you to stay on track as you draft your paper and ensure that you include everything that you need to include.

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