
In: Economics

Here's a question or two to get the discussion on Othellostarted. These deal specifically with Iago's...

Here's a question or two to get the discussion on Othellostarted. These deal specifically with Iago's motives.

Following his opening words to Roderigo, there are three passages early in the play where Iago is alone for a brief moment and speaks candidly of the plot he’s weaving and his supposed reasons for doing so: 1.3.320-342; 2.1.211-237; and 2.3.245-271. Look closely at these three passages. Do you think his expressed motivations justify such a plan of revenge?

In the last of these passages, he speaks of turning Desdemona’s “virtue into pitch” and making “out of her goodness… the net / That shall enmesh them all.” Though we surely disagree with his plan, we can nonetheless understand Iago’s anger with Othello, and perhaps even with Cassio. But why, then, does he attack Desdemona? She’s the embodiment of innocence and goodness in the play. Yes, like Roderigo, she’s a pawn in Iago’s game. But his desire not only to bring down Desdemona, but to make her the centerpiece of his plan, suggests that she is more than just a pawn—that perhaps Iago, as almost the embodiment of pure evil, can’t tolerate the very presence of goodness in the world. What do you think?


Expert Solution

In an order to win Othelo's good graces, Casio sends musicians to play music, beneath the General's window, Othelo sends his servant who is a clown or a peasant to send away the musicians Emilia speaks to Othelo about Desdemona, When the clown leaves Lago enters and he tells Casio that he will send for Emilla straight away, to figure out a way to set aside Othelo so that Casio and Desdemona would discuss matters privately.

After Lago exists Emilia enters and tells Casio that Othelo and Desdemona have been discussing about him Now Casio starts pleading for Casio but Othello worries that Montanos prosperity and popularity in Cyprus would make Casio's reappointment would be impractical, how much ever Othello cares for his former lieutenant.

By saying that he will turn her into Virtue into pitch he means that he will deliberately blacken her name Lago makes a cofession to the audiences immediately after he sends Roderigo to sell off his lands, Lago untther these lines 'so I will turn her virtue into pitch- Lago's treachery runs so deep that he is not able to stick on to atleast one metaphor.

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