
In: Statistics and Probability

The following is the estimation results for a multiple linear regression model: SUMMARY OUTPUT             Regression...

The following is the estimation results for a multiple linear regression model:


            Regression Statistics

R-Square                                                       0.558

Regression Standard Error (S)                  863.100

Observations                                               35

                               Coeff        StdError          t-Stat   

Intercept               1283.000    352.000           3.65   

X1                             25.228        8.631                      

X2                               0.861        0.372          



A. Write the fitted regression equation.

B. Write the estimated intercepts and slopes, associated with their corresponding standard errors.

C. Interpret each coefficient.


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A. Write the fitted regression equation.


B. Write the estimated intercepts and slopes, associated with their corresponding standard errors

coeffcient of intercept- 1283.000 standard error 352.000           

coeffcient of x1=25.228 standard error fo x1=8.631                      

coeffcient of x2=0.861        standard error fo x2=0.372          

C. Interpret each coefficient

y intercept is 1283.000 when x1 and x2 is 0

For x1,slope=25.228 ,holding x2 constant ,for unit increase in x1,y increases by 25.228 on an average.

For x2,slope=0.861        ,holding x1 constant ,for unit increase in x2,y increases by 0.861       on an average.

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