
In: Statistics and Probability

The following is a regression summary from R for a linear regression model between an explanatory...

The following is a regression summary from R for a linear regression model between an explanatory variable x and a response variable y. The data contain n = 50 points. Assume that all the conditions for SLR are satisfied.


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) -1.1016 0.4082 -2.699 -------**

x 2.2606 0.0981 ---- < 2e-16 ***

(a) Write the equation for the least squares regression line.

(b) R performs a t-test to test whether the slope is significantly different than 0. State the null and alternative hypothesis for this test. Based on the p-value what is the conclusion of the test (i.e., reject or do not reject the null hypothesis)?

(c) Calculate the missing p-value for the intercept.

(d) Calculate the missing t-statistic for the slope.

(e) Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the slope of the regression line. Does this interval agree with the results of the hypothesis test?


Expert Solution


Equation for the least squares regression line :


Null and alternative hypothesis for this test :

Let level of significance = 0.01

We have the P-value = 2 e-16 < 0.01 ( Level of significance) , we reject Ho and conclude that Slope is significantly different than 0.


We can either use T-tables or use excel function "TDIST() " to find the P-value

TDIST( | t value | ,df , 1 = one tailed or 2 = two-tailed)

Here, we have a two-tailed test.

df = Degrees of freedom = n - 2 = 50 - 2 =48

P-value for the intercept = TDIST(|-2.699|,48,2) = 0.00957


t-statistic for the slope can be calculated using the excel function " TINV() "

t-statistic for the slope = TINV(2e-16,48) = 12.282


100(1-)% confidence interval for the slope of the regression line :

95% confidence interval for the slope of the regression line :

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