
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Describe the trend of mortality in Saudi Arabia due to any one health phenomena and suggest any 2 measures to control it

Describe the trend of mortality in Saudi Arabia due to any one health phenomena and suggest any 2 measures to control it - Example maternal mortality, perinatal mortality, accident mortality, mortality due to any type of cancer etc. 


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Anaemia is a condition caused by decreased redblood cells or Hb in the blood , which leads to hypoxia and of untreated may result into severe complocations

Causes of anaemia-

1) trauma

2) haemorrhages or blood loss

3) increased hb desctruction and decreased production.

4) imbalanced diet.

5) hereditary such as sickle cell anaemia, G6PD deficiency anaemia etc.

6) metabolic ( due to jaundice).

Maternal mortality ratio

It is defined as no of deaths of females due to complications in pregnancy, childbirth or within 42 days of delivery in an area in a given year per 100,000 total live births in the same given year.

MMR of saudi arabia is 12 per 100,000.

Causes include- 1) Haemorrhage

Haemorrhage may be antepartum or postpartum.

Antepartum haemorrhage may result due to rupture of placenta, rupture of uterus, rupture of membrane, trauma etc.

Postpartum haemorrhage may result die to trauma during delivery, undiagnosed bleeding, etc.

2) Pulmonary embolism

3)multipara Women ( especially birth order more than 7) .

4) unsafe abortion.

5) infections ( HIV, tuberculosis, tetanus and malaria)

6) eclampsia

7) ectopic pregnancy


1) Proper screening of pregnant women, recording of pregnancy, antenatal ,intranatal and postnatal visits.

2) Nutritional supplementation.

3) Clean hygienic practices during deliveries.

4) Prevention of haemorrhage.

5) treatment of any underlying medical condition to prevent the complications.

6) Promotion of health and family planning practices.

7) safe abortion.

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