
In: Chemistry

What is the overall lifetime, in seconds, of hydroperoxy radicals in the polluted troposphere where [O3]...

What is the overall lifetime, in seconds, of hydroperoxy radicals in the polluted troposphere where [O3] is 100 ppb and [NO] is 20 ppb? Repeat the calculation for the clean troposphere where [O3] is 30 ppb and [NO] is 0.002 ppb. Use the following reactions and rate constants.

            HO2 + NO → NO2 + OH                   k = 8.1x10-12 cm3 s-1

HO2 + O3 → 2O2 + OH                     k = 7.3x10-14 exp(-1275/T) cm3 s-1


Expert Solution

  1. HO2 + NO                                           NO2 + OH

K = 8.1 X 10-12 cm3/s

Overall life time

T = 1/ K [NO]

T = 1/ 8.1 X 10-12 X 20

   = 6.17 X 108 sec

Overall life time

T = 1/ K [NO]

T = 1/ 8.1 X 10-12 X 0.002

   = 61.7 X 1012 sec

  1. HO2 + O3                                            2O2 + OH

K = 7.3 X 10-14 cm3/s

Overall life time

T = 1/ K [O3]

T = 1/ 7.3 X 10-14 X 100

   = 1.36 X 108 sec

Overall life time

T = 1/ K [O3]

T = 1/ 7.3 X 10-14 X 30

   = 4.57 X 1010 sec

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