
In: Nursing

Choose one of the following management theories below. They are all found in Chapter 2 of...

Choose one of the following management theories below. They are all found in Chapter 2 of the Dunn (2016) textbook.

Industrial Revolution

One of the Classical School theories

Bureaucratic Management Theory

Human Relations Movement

Human Resources School

One of the Contemporary Management Theories

Write an essay and discuss the following: Briefly identify and discuss the theory. Include when the theory was popular in management, how it evolved, and the basic beliefs that the management theory followed or follows.

Research and find one scholarly article on the management theory you’ve chosen to discuss.

What additional information does your article tell you about the management theory you are discussing?

Using both the textbook and the article you found, discuss one element about the theory you are reviewing that might be helpful if you were managing a primary care office today.


Expert Solution

Human relation theory : by Elton mayo: this theory was application of behavioral sciences to management theories it was stemmed from Hawthorne studies is based on the idea that a managers concern for workers will lead to their increased satisfaction and improved performances and this movement includes the therioes of motivation like masclow hierachy of needs and mcgregor theory x and theory y, thiss human realtions management emerged in the 1920s and dealth with the human aspects of organization, it began with the hawthome studies conducted from 1924 to 1933 at the hawthome plant of the western electric company in cicero, llinosis, in the hawthome studies , elton mayo known as the father of the hawthome studies , it is the bias that occur when people know that they are being studied , it wassignificant because they demonstrates the important influence of human factors on worker productivity , they are 4 phases that is the illumination experiment , the relay assembly group experiment , the interviewing program, the blank wiring group studies, the intent of these studies was to determine the effect of working conditions on productivity, this theory demonstrates that workers are motivated by social rewards and sanctions than by economic incentives, and workers actions are influenced by the group and whenever formal organizations exist, both formal and informal norms exist. 2) the human relation movement: the principles of the human theory : are a) it is characterized by a shift in emphasis from task to workers , 2) go beyond physical contributions to include creative, cognitive, and emotional aspects of workers ,3) based on a more dyadic conceptualization of communications, 4) social realtionships,4) workers communice opinions, complaints, the commandments of human relations: a) speak grciously to people, b) smile at people,c) call people by first name, d) be friendly and helpful.etc 3) this theory is useful in the primary care office today because as it based on motivation of the workers and support for the workers which leads to the good environment in the primary care office.

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