
In: Computer Science

word level palindrome program with stacks and queues I have a good portion of my program...

word level palindrome program with stacks and queues

I have a good portion of my program finished, I am just trying to figure out how to do some final things to it. I want the program to only check for letters a through z and A = Z, treating uppercase and lower case as the same thing. I want it to ignore any other characters and to just realize word level palindromes, not sentence level, so for example a%345b@a c24&c8d)9cc would be a word level palindrome since the program would ignore the numbers and special characters and only look at each word or set of letters as a candidate. Since uppercase and lowercase will be treated the same, something like AbBa baB should also come back as a word level palindrome. Here is the code I have so far. Thanks for any help.

include <cassert> // Provides assert

include <cctype> // Provides isalpha, toupper

include <iostream> // Provides cout, cin, peek

include <queue> // Provides the queue template class

include <stack> // Provides the stack template class

using namespace std;

int main() {

queue<char> q;
stack<char> s;
char letter;
queue<char>::size_type mismatches = 0;  // Mismatches between queue and stack
cout << "Enter a line and I will see if it's a palindrome:" << endl;

while (cin.peek() != '\n')
    cin >> letter;

    if (isalpha(letter))

while ((!q.empty()) && (!s.empty()))
    if (q.front() !=

if (mismatches == 0)
    cout << "That is a palindrome." << endl;
    cout << "That is not a palindrome." << endl;


return 0;



Expert Solution


#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main (void)
queue <char> value;
string input;
int length;

cout<<"Please enter a series of characters."<<endl;
getline (cin, input);

bool isPalindrome = false;

if (inputs.size() > 0)
    int length = input.size() / 2;

    for (int i=0; i<length; i++)

    isPalindrome = true;

    for (int i = 1; i <= length && isPalindrome; ++i)
      isPalindrome = value.front() == inputs[inputs.size() - i];

    cout<<"Is not a palindrome."<<endl;
    cout<<"Is a palindrome."<<endl;

return 0;

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